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by Journeyman (3.4k points)
Dr Fauci lied at every turn. His "vaccines" and "therapies" killed far more people than they saved. Masks can't and didn't work. Social Distancing was meaningless. And Lockdowns were deadly.

I'm a real doctor who has treated many more thousands than Fauci. He's a bureaucrat who became rich.
by Newbie (230 points)
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I was wondering why you're using bsky posts as a source instead of a documented article or research paper? Some studies by the National Institute of Health done during the pandemic showed a significant decrease in sickness rates for vaccinated and masked people (especially if they were over 40). I think looking at similar medical articles could have better information on how the masks and vaccines worked instead of using personal posts from social media. Here is the article I found with more information: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC10178717/#:~:text=Further%2C%20findings%20revealed%20that%20the,of%20hospitalization%20increases%20with%20age.

4 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer

Firstly, I do have to question your source. You are citing a BlueSky post from an account with eight followers in which only opinions citing notoriously biased sources are posted, and there are no displayed credentials of legitimately being a doctor, contrary to the poster's claim that he's "a real doctor who has treated many more thousands than Fauci." This makes the claim questionable at best, and demonstrably false and intentionally spreading misinformation at worst.

Let's start with the first claim- that the Coronavirus vaccine has killed more people that it has saved. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2024, the COVID-19 vaccines have reduced deaths by "at least 57%, saving more than 1.4 million lives in the WHO European Region." (https://www.who.int/europe/news-room/16-01-2024-covid-19-vaccinations-have-saved-more-than-1.4-million-lives-in-the-who-european-region--a-new-study-finds) This was a study done in Europe alone, not taking into account any of the other continents worldwide. In another study conducted in Europe, it was concluded a total of 11,448 deaths may have been linked to these vaccines. If these numbers are true, then the vaccine saved approximately one-hundred and twenty-one times the number of people who it may have killed- This claim is false.

Secondly, the claim that masking and social distancing are ineffective- Masks have never been identified as a 100% effective preventative measure, and that to this day remains true. Another common claim that led to the belief that masks did not work was the assumption that masks were for the purpose of protecting themselves when, on the contrary, the purpose of masks was to prevent the spread of Coronavirus to other individuals, partnered with social distancing. Here is a study published by the National Library of Medicine demonstrating the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of airborne illnesses: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7883189/ With the fact that social distancing and masking does not have a 100% success rate, the claim that these things "can't/didn't" work is not in its entirety false, but is certainly exaggerated and misleading.

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by Novice (660 points)

The account making this claim has no credentials listed anywhere, so it is impossible to know the legitimacy behind their claim of being a doctor.

With that said, there are many sources that back up the claims that masks, vaccines and social distancing were all very effective at reducing the spread of Covid-19. According to the Mayo Clinic, wearing masks, "...filters out large particles in the air when the wearer breathes in..." This means that potential Covid particles become harder to ingest, thus making it harder for people to catch the disease. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, "People who were up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations were 10.5 times less likely than people who were not vaccinated to need hospital care for COVID-19 in early 2022." This statistic goes directly against the original claim that vaccines killed more people than they saved.

Social distancing is a bit trickier to assess, as levels of compliance were questionable from the very beginning.

However, the claims that Dr. Fauci lied at every turn and that lockdowns were deadly are misleading exaggerations at best and completely false claims at worst. Elaboration about what exactly Fauci lied about, as well as what made lockdowns deadly would be needed to truly access the original intent behind those claims. If the evidence for Fauci lying were that the vaccines administered killed more people than they saved and that masks didn't work however, then there is no substantial evidence that the claim that Fauci lied is true.




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by Newbie (230 points)
Dr. Fauci has been a trusted doctor throughout 7 Presidents and specialises in AIDs and HIV research from 1984-2022. He and his research have saved over 20 million lives over the years if his work. During the Covid 19 crisis he was a prominent medical advisor and conducted extensive research relating to the contagous and proventative percausions. Many people did not beleive the medical percautions being implemented and took to blaming political influence desoite him being neutral.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (610 points)

First, considering this source is from a BlueSky account with minimal followers and a history of posting information without backing it by a credible source, its credibility should be doubted.

Checking the CDC page for information on vaccines provides fairly concrete evidence on the fact they do indeed help people get over the virus. 


However it is always wise to find more than one source confirming this, and to make sure they are relatively if not fully, unbiased.

The NIH page contains a summary of multiple studies on this, as well as direct links to the studies used.



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• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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