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in General Moderation by Newbie (200 points)

2 Answers

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by (180 points)
Your claim has some backing and it may have some evidence but it needs to be better worded to not be claimed as such an objective statement. There are rights in court that protect men and women in court. This article by an attorney has good claims on the bias against men and what things can be done outside of court (https://www.adamdivorcelaw.com/are-divorce-courts-biased-against-men/). He claims 98% of divorce cases are settled outside of the court room. The main problem is that the law is just and fair for both parties but certain judges can bring some biases into the courtroom along with them,
by (140 points)
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I think you did great job of fact checking this claim and discussing the possible biases in the courtroom. However i think it would be worth looking into that specific claim that 98% of divorce cases are settled outside of the courtroom to see where he got the statistic and if it’s valid or not. Additionally, it would also be beneficial to see if there’s any data on certain biases in the courtroom relating to divorce cases.
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ago by Newbie (220 points)

There is little to no evidence to support this claim. There are various webpages out there that claim that there is bias, but most are from law firms trying to advertise their services (i.e. SmartDivorce and MensDivorceLaw). In fact, an article from the Guardian claims the opposite, that in fact women are ruled against more, however this article is more than four years old and some sources do not work anymore, or refer to items that aren't attached to this claim. Thus, this claim is misleading. (Guardian)

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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