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in Climate Change by Novice (760 points)
The amount of Carbon emission that Taylor Swifts private jets are causing from the Eras tour flights, are contributing to mass amounts of carbon and distress to climate change, that could be irreversible on the environment.
by Newbie (430 points)
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hi! While I believe that the carbon emission from Taylor Swifts private jets are causing, I wouldn't say that the mass amount of carbon to distress of climate change is entirely her fault. there are other people and planes who are also emitting carbon to the environment.
by Newbie (320 points)
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This claim is interesting because, although the environmental impacts from private airfare are irrefutable, a single celebrity is not the core of the problem. Countless rich and famous figures use their wealth for private travel, this is a problem that adds on to the already dire climate situation.

1 Answer

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by Novice (720 points)

All the stories from earlier this year, around early March to late April, reported the same story as the pop star was facing backlash for her lack of consideration for the environment. The Eras Tour generated massive carbon emissions and according to carbonmarketwatch.org, the pop star's use of her private jet "amounted to an estimated 8,300 tonnes of carbon emissions in 2022" alone. The article mentioned above seems generally trustworthy as there are no ads on the website and all of the sources seem reputable. Given that all other media outlets reporting on the issue came to the same conclusion it's easy to find that these claims are true. This article is also pretty neutral as it's not attacking the artist for her choices of transportation but rather just breaking down the effects of them. 


by Novice (590 points)
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This is a well balanced summary of the environmental impact reports related to the tour and private jet usage. It’s refreshing to see an article that’s focused on presenting the facts rather than sensationalizing the issue, which makes it feel more reliable. The data on carbon emissions is definitely eye opening and highlights the broader conversation around celebrities and environmental responsibility.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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What is the average carbon emission of the average person to put it against Swift's? It would be helpful to understand her emission in relation to others and why it may be significant and have an impact on the environment. Thanks!

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