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in General Moderation by Newbie (320 points)
This article states that cats make better animal companions than dogs.

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
Misinformation Likely

After reading this source and further doing more information on it, this claim is a very opinionated statement and there isn’t much evidence that proves one is better than the other, as they both are intelligent and great animals to have as pets. Both of them have different pros and cons and after reading the article, its more of an argumental issue that people feel they are right.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Novice (880 points)
0 0
I appreciate you reading the article and getting information from it. This is a very opininated claim that can't be proven true or flase. You point out that both dogs and cats have both pros and cons to them, but that doesnt make one superior to the other.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
0 0
I appreciate the tone you took with the response to this article. While the claim attempts to stake a heated argument that some people would die behind, you candidly point out that the article is opinion where it ultimately comes down to personal choice.
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by Newbie (470 points)
Despite being posted on the New York Times, which is generally a very credible and reputable source of information, this article is mostly opinion-based. There is no data or statistics that truly support the claim that cats are better companions to dogs. It is important to consider the context, however, as this is clearly a soft news report rather than a hard news one, meaning it can be taken slightly less seriously and can be considered more of a source of entertainment rather than a source of factual information.
by Novice (680 points)
0 0
I appreciate you fact-checking this article by looking to verify it with other sources. Could you include some of those other sources in your response? I think it would benefit your claim that this article is opinion-based if you could find other sources that say the same. I would consider quoting or summarizing these articles in detail.

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