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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Masks are ineffective against microscopic virus transmission, and believing otherwise reflects a lack of understanding.
by Newbie (330 points)
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This is false. Wearing masks has been confirmed to be effective by many credible sources such as Harvard Health, and John’s Hopkins Medicine. The N95 masks have reduced the spreading of viruses, especially COVID-19.
by (100 points)
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Face masks can help stop the spread of germs, but they aren’t a guaranteed way to prevent illness. They work best when used with other things like washing hands, staying home when sick, and getting vaccinated. If a mask isn’t worn right or doesn’t fit well, it won’t be as helpful. Also, viruses can still spread in ways that masks don’t completely block. While masks add some protection, they aren’t the only way to stay healthy. So this article would be correct

Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/

31 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)


This claim is false there are multiple sources such as Johns Hopkins medicine and Mayoclinic have proven that wearing masks has been effective in stopping the spread of germs, especially during COVID-19. Wearing a mask filters out particles as you breathe in and out, stopping germs from spreading so much.


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