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ago by Newbie (380 points)
Joe Biden is in Los Angeles. Local TV is reporting they cannot fly their helicopters to report on the fire while he is in town. This is a problem because we are not getting information about the fires and potential evacuations. Very surprised Joe’s staff has not lifted restrictions!

1 Answer

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ago by Newbie (440 points)
This is a widely spread false claim. Although temporary flight restrictions were put in place to keep aircraft from flying too close to the president (as is common practice), life savings flights were able to bypass this restriction. This is so long as they coordinated with air traffic control before their flight. This information comes from an archived NOTAM issued by the agency for Biden's January 8 departure. This was found on the AFP fact check site aimed at debunking this very claim: https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.36TF3F4

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