This claim is false, as wildfires can start from other factors other than solely from human behavior. Yet, this claim is close to being true, as a 2023 Article titled, Wildfires: How They Form, and Why They're so Dangerous, by The National Geographic Society, claims, “Authorities have pointed to the fact that 95 percent of fires in the state of California are started by people, according to CNN” (National Geographic, 1). This article proves how the majority of wildfires are caused by humans, but with further information in the article, we learn that there are some other possible factors. The same article states, “Another possible cause of forest fires is lightning. Scientists have found that every degree of global warming sets off a 12 percent bump in lightning activity. Since 1975 the number of fires ignited by lightning has increased between two and five percent.” This shows how climate change and weather patterns are also a possible cause. This last quotation also proves that the climate can be ignited and set on fire. Therefore the claim cannot be true.
National Geographic Society. Wildfires: How They Form and Why They're So Dangerous. National Geographic, 5 Mar. 2025,