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by Journeyman (3.8k points)
Is it an exaggeration to call Bob Dylan the greatest American poet? No. He was a phenomenal lyricist:

2 Answers

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by Novice (940 points)
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Best answer

While this is a great conversation to have with many different individuals, and to agree to disagree with said individuals, this is an opinion based comment. There are always talks about many different artists in the industry from all individuals who can make many persuasive arguments, but along with your source, it is an opinion based statement, with no peer reviewed, journals, or factual research and evidence to back this statement up. Here I have attached however, a 100 people from The Rolling Stones magazine of others who are also phenomenal lyricists. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Newbie (440 points)
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I agree with your answer. Everyone has different tastes in music and could prefer artists that some don't like. I am a big fan of Bob Dylan, but I will not ridicule someone if they don't think he's the greatest American poet. I think there's a lot of information out there that claims he's one of the greatest lyricists, but you can't prove it because not everyone will agree. But, I found the following article to help people lean more toward the idea that he is the greatest.
ago by Novice (520 points)
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I agree that many discussions of artists are opinion-based. However, it's important to understand that not all statements are supported by peer-reviewed research or solid evidence. While opinions are valid, especially in creative fields, adding sources like you did with Rolling Stone helps show that there are other perspectives out there and that we can have a more informed conversation. And in the end, music is subjective, so everyone will have their take on the topic.
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by Newbie (440 points)

In this case, this user was hinting that it no longer is an exaggeration to say that Bob Dylan is the greatest American Poet. On one hand, this claim although can feel as true as it can be, still is an opinion, and is subjective, meaning it cannot be fact. However, for reference, Rolling Stone Magazine did label him #1 for songwriting, but that is also a subjective opinion based from Rolling Stone


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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