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by Journeyman (3.8k points)
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Germany sacrificed itself in World War II to prevent communism and international financial capitalism from dominating Europe.  And to this day, it is unfairly considered the villain of history.


A Alemanha se sacrificou na Segunda Guerra para impedir que o comunismo e o capitalismo financeiro internacional dominassem a Europa.

E até hoje ela é injustamente considerada a vilã da história.

4 Answers

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ago by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer

The claim that Germany "sacrificed itself" in World War II to prevent communism and international financial capitalism is false and lacks credible evidence to support it. Germany lost the war due to a combination of strategic errors, overextension of resources, and the overwhelming strength of the Allies. One key mistake was Germany's decision to fight a two-front war, invading the Soviet Union in 1941 while still engaged in the West. This stretched its resources thin and led to catastrophic losses, particularly after the defeat at Stalingrad in 1943. The entry of the United States into the war brought vital industrial resources and manpower to the Allies, while Britain’s resilience prevented Germany from securing victory in the West. Additionally, strategic bombing campaigns severely crippled Germany’s industrial capacity, and the Soviets launched successful counterattacks that pushed German forces back on the Eastern Front. These factors, combined with internal dissent, technological challenges, and key strategic blunders, ultimately led to Germany’s defeat.


ago by Novice (770 points)
0 0
I like how you included a lot of information on the war. It is key to understand the correct series of events to understand if this claim is true or not. Britannica is also a great source to get trustworthy information from. Good job!
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by Newbie (240 points)
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This answer has been deleted.
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ago by Apprentice (1.3k points)

This claim is false with little to nothing to back it up except a taken-down social media post.  The reason Germany lost the war was due to several interconnected reasons. Germany lost World War II due to a combination of strategic errors, overextension of resources, and the overwhelming strength of the Allies. One key mistake was Germany's decision to fight a two-front war, invading the Soviet Union in 1941 while still engaged in the West. This stretched its resources thin and led to catastrophic losses, especially after the defeat at Stalingrad in 1943. The U.S. entry into the war brought vital industrial resources and manpower to the Allies, while Britain’s resilience prevented Germany from securing victory in the West. Additionally, strategic bombing campaigns crippled Germany’s industrial capacity, and the Soviets launched successful counterattacks that pushed German forces back on the Eastern Front. These, combined with internal dissent, technological challenges, and key strategic blunders, ultimately led to Germany’s defeat.

Germany was considered the primary "villain" of World War II due to its aggressive expansionism, Nazi ideology, and the atrocities it committed during the war. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany pursued a policy of territorial conquest, beginning with the invasion of Poland in 1939, which triggered the war. The Nazis’ ideology of racial superiority led to the horrific genocide of six million Jews in the Holocaust, alongside the targeting of other marginalized groups. The regime’s brutal occupation of Europe resulted in war crimes, mass executions, and the use of concentration camps. The Nazi dictatorship also oppressed its own citizens, eliminating political opposition and controlling nearly every aspect of life. These actions, along with Germany's role in starting the war and causing widespread destruction, cemented its reputation as the main aggressor and villain in the conflict.  

The article below goes into more detail as to why Germany is not the innocent party and how they truly got beat in the world war which was not due to them sacrificing themselves. 


ago by Journeyman (3.3k points)
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This answer was detected as 100% AI when run through a factchecker. If you are fact checking something you should write it yourself as AI can be fed incorrect sources and is notorious for making mistakes
ago by Novice (530 points)
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Good catch on the AI sourcing, it is so easy to not know its origin unless you think to check it like that, and is just a new reality of the news and media world now unfortunately. At least what the AI answered as seems to be factual and took sources from official history organizations. Maybe this is something AI can be useful with, by being a vessel where bias can be reduced somewhat with official data.
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ago by Newbie (340 points)

This claim is false and misrepresents history. Nazi Germany was the aggressor in WWII, launching invasions and committing genocide, including the Holocaust. While the regime was anti-communist, it did not "sacrifice itself" to stop communism or capitalism—its war was driven by expansionist and racial ideologies. Germany had economic ties with capitalist nations before the war and pursued its own form of authoritarian state-controlled capitalism. The idea that Germany is "unfairly seen as the villain" ignores the overwhelming evidence of its war crimes and responsibility for global conflict.


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