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by Journeyman (3.8k points)
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The 2014 Ukrainian revolution was orchestrated by the CIA, per a Democracy Now! segment from that year describing it as an "open CIA coup."


It well documented history.  See Democracy Now in 2014 where they described it as an open CIA coup.  Victoria Nuland was there handing out cookies.  Be sure to listen to her phone conversation with British officials on their planned governmental overthrow and the resulting Miadan Massacre.

2 Answers

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ago by Journeyman (3.3k points)
selected ago by
Best answer

The Article in question does not mention the CIA at all, nor does it call the revolution an “open CIA coup” so it was inappropriate for that to be in quotation marks. It is true that Victoria Nuland was handing out cookies. According to the article, there is disagreement on whether or not it was a coup.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
ago by Newbie (370 points)
0 0
This is an insightful comment and It disproves the claim
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by Newbie (220 points)
This is true; given the demoralized motives of Zelensky (i.e. his autogynephilic tendencies) you can infer that he strives to be emasculated by the Central Intelligence Agency, in both the political realm, and by virtue of his citizens.

If we were to break down the numerical value of the Zelensky name you will find:

Z-26, E-5, L-12, E-5, N-14, S-19, K-11, Y-25




Life path 9 traditionally, can be viewed as creative, humanitarian, and open-minded characters, though this creativity, humanitarianism, and open-mindedness, can sometimes go too far, and be manifested as sexual deviancy, and perversion, which is evident in the psyche of Zelensky.

For Mr. Zelensky to approach President Trump and VP Vance with the disrespectful and anti-American attitude that he did on March 28th, it further suggests that he is what the BDSM (or Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, and Maschocism) refers to as a "brat": a disobedient submissive who intentionally provokes their dominant. It does not surprise me that Zelensky would work alongside the C.I.A. to further his sexual pleasure, by virtue of his loss of power and control of his people, as well as his country.
ago by Journeyman (3.3k points)
1 0
Nothing you say here proves or disproves the claim, nor does it have any merit in reality, it is an opinion based off of conspiratorial pseudoscience. The number path you took doesn’t even have a basis in math.
ago by Novice (760 points)
1 0
Could you use a source in your response. It does help to use a link to a valid source that supports your claim.
ago by Newbie (340 points)
1 0
Your answer has virtually nothing to do with the original claim. The idea that Zelensky is some kind of sexual fiend is pure opinion not based on any evidence besides pseudoscience. Your claim that Zelensky went to a White House meeting to discuss a deal between countries only because he's into BDSM sounds like conspiratorial fearmongering.
ago by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
Somehow making this about bdsm is some wild mental gymnastics lol

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