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by Journeyman (3.9k points)
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The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) did not lie in stating that over 14,000 people were killed in the Donbass region by the Kiev army with NATO support.


PCP não mentiu. mais de 14 mil pessoas foram mortas no Donbass pelo exército de Kiev com apoio da Otan. ninguém me contou, eu vi. inclusive a própria população de Donetsk reclamou de Putin por demorar 8 anos para intervir (tratados de Minsk). sugiro ler as reportagens. mas é só uma sugestão mesmo.

1 Answer

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This is true. According to the UN 14,200-14,400 people were killed in eastern Ukraine between 14 April 2014, when the conflict started, and 21 February 2022. This can be divided up between approximately 3,407 civilians,  4,400 Ukrainian forces personnel, and 6,500 members of armed groups.


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