Carrots, one of the most popular vegetables, have many health benefits. This vegetable is most recognizable in orange, but can even come in other colors like purple and yellow. Carrots are very good for the human body for many reasons. First, they help our eyes. Second, they can help prevent cancer and other serious diseases. As an antioxidant, carrots fight off harmful free radicals. Third, they can help our hearts and blood pressure, as they contain many vitamins and minerals, in specific, potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure. Lastly, carrots are good for us as they contain fiber, fiber helps one stay at a healthy weight, lowering chances of disease. As carrots have many benefits, many debate, how should they be cooked? Many enjoy eating carrots raw while others enjoy eating carrots cooked. But, the healthiest way to eat carrots is by cooking them. Consumer reports state, the human body has an easier time absorbing the carotenoids in carrots if you eat them cooked rather than raw (WebMd). According to Live In Home Care, “Researchers found that boiling carrots until tender increased the concentration of carotenoids by 14 percent.” Cooking breaks down the vegetable’s cell walls, making its nutrients more available. While carrots are more nutritious cooked, it is important to be mindful of how you cook them. Boiling vegetables can leach out nutrients, and what you cook them in can add calories. While some prefer raw carrots, if one is looking to eat a type of carrot with the most health benefits, they will choose a cooked carrot.,of%20carotenoids%20by%2014%20percent.