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in General Factchecking by Novice (930 points)

This claim is completely false and misleading. Yes, some people who get the COVID-19 vaccine might endure some complications but not for Matthew Perry. After doing some research on the user, "vikkifromjersey", on their TikTok platform, it was quickly revealed that they presented themselves as a huge advocate for anti vaccination. Matthew Perry's death was not caused or connected to the COVID-19 vaccine. The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner stated that the autopsy report of Matthew Perry's death showed the usage of ketamine. Perry was using "... ketamine infusion therapy, an experimental treatment used to treat depression and anxiety." Because Mathew Perry was sitting in a hot tub while he was using ketamine, it caused him to lose consciousness and drown. Ketamine is approved by the U.S. health regulatory, but is mainly used for surgeries but has been used as an "...experimental treatment for a range of psychiatric and hard-to-treat conditions, including depression, anxiety and chronic pain." The autopsy ruled Perry's death from "the effects of ketamine" so this proves that the COVID-19 vaccine did not play a role in his death. This claim was intended to mislead others. 




by Novice (840 points)
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Matthew Perry's death was completely unrelated to the Covid-19 vaccine. According to BBC and other reliable sources, Perry drowned in his hot tub due to the effects of Ketamine. Facts about his death are stated in this article: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czrgp7pj4g2o
Matthew Perry had been very open about his struggles with addiction. According to authorities and the actor's court case, five people faced charges for contributing to his death. For example, his assistant pleaded guilty to injecting Perry with Ketamine during the days preceding his drowning.
by Novice (890 points)
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This was as great response to the false claim. Including the autopsy report shows you did in depth research before responding, and you disproved the false claim with credible sources well. I would add that the claim was likely made politically in opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine, and intended to deter people from getting it or justifying those who have not gotten it yet. Spreading misinformation like this can be very dangerous, and disrespectful to the family of Matthew Perry by using his death as a catapult for their political advances.
ago by Novice (500 points)
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This individual did good in properly investigating the actual cause of Matthew Perry's death by providing evidence of what was found at the moment and information about Ketamine itself. They did two separated research that they were able to connect with each other to prove that the previous claim is false.
ago by Newbie (300 points)
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Confirmation bias definitely played a factor into why people believe that this is true. Anti vaxxers make claims and spread them, others see those claims and believe them without fact checking

31 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The COVID-19 vaccine played no factor in his death. A post mortem found ketamine in his system and this was determined to be the cause of death. Dr. Mark Chavez has pled guilty to supplying Perry with the ketamine that led to his death. Blaming the COVID-19 vaccine for the deaths of celebrities is a common trick that anti-vaxxers use in order to try to convince you that their false claims are true.


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