User autumn-zumpano

Member for: 1 year (since Feb 1, 2023)
Type: Registered user
Full name: Autumn
Where are you from?: Hinsdale
About: Currently a senior at the university of Illinois with a major in psychology and a minor in criminology, law, and society. I live in Hinsdale, which is a southwest suburb about 30-40 minutes away from Chicago

Activity by autumn-zumpano

Score: 670 points (ranked #583)
Title: Novice
Questions: 3 (3 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 6
Comments: 1
Voted on: 0 questions, 0 answers
Gave out: 0 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 11 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for autumn-zumpano

This user has disallowed new posts on their wall
does social media negatively affect mental health?
Feb 20, 2023 by autumn-zumpano