Hello folx. My name is chewy anime cookie and I live in Portland, you may know me as stoolparfaits polycule is a nibling polycule to my current polycule. I’m coming on here to ask you all to support my alter, Ophelia. Ophelia has chronic disability in xer left eye and knee. Every time they front the chronic pain takes over our host body. Our polycule has not been kind to xem, Ophelia is currently being abused every time xey are fronting, (asked to cook, clean, do dishes, etc.) our polycule KNOWS that Ophelia has acute nonbinary trauma from xer “parent figures” that I will not detail in this post as it may trigger an epileptic Tourette’s attack causing Ophelia to front. I have set up a gofundme to pay for Ophelia’s relocation, and the relocation of our host body, we need to get out of this abusive living situation urg- *MOOOOOO MOOOO MOOOO* - oh, sorry that was my bovine alter bessie. Please donate to me and ophelia, I also do onlyf*ns on the weekends (strictly videos of soaking my socks in Pepto bismol). Thank you for reading! Donate to help a nonbinary trans disabled dissociative identity disorder having therian with acute trauma :)
Feb 7
Hello there "Riplex"... fake ass name by the way. I have a proposition for you and your mandem. Crodies, my ack, hear me when I say this. Yesterday I was jolly in my usual server. Its a safe space in the Meta-verse for furry kind and multi beings alike. I was nuzzling my zemfriends epic valmorphanized interweb fur suit skin while simultaneously testing out my recliner chairs #3 option (Its a new feature that converts my creature waste into a recycled pellet that is used as a sustainable food source and doubles as pocketful) when some creature walked through my avatar, clearly disrespectfully. See, I have phantom sense and I can feel these things just as I do the bidet feature on my recliner chair. It ws incredibly offensive to myself and other beings of frequent meta use in this server. So- we collectively banned the user. This user, was none other than Riplex- the offender. Lastly, id like to acknowledge that the pellets are sent to be forcibly-respectfully fed to underprivileged children in third world countries like England and Cincinatti Ohio. Stoolparfait has spoken. I (and the other members of my system) agree that we do not spend time on hate, but rather move on. I am moving on now back to my virtual imouto-chan to cheer me up. Also join me in watching my fav anime "my little sister can not be this cute" this week on my discord. -stoolparfait
Feb 7
I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! You suck ass and you're retarded. No one listen to these claims. The "happs" is that I've already traced your IP and I'm gonna come find you myself. You better make sure you change your diaper before I find you because you're gonna shit your pants 10x harder than you ever have when I'm done with you. You mother fucker. Fucking bastard. Where the fuck did we go wrong? This is a product of Joe Biden's America. I'm sick to my fucking stomach and my pants are full of cum. I hate this world we live in.
Feb 6
Hello stoolpartait friends, and fandom. Welcome to my wall where I talk about all things relevant and happening. So what is "the happs..." yall? Well, let me tell you. As I sit here with my gamer dent malforming my skull, and my diaper almost full, I think about the ancient romans. Did you know they used lead as a sweetener in their wine, and to cook meals in? And yet- they knew lead to be a toxic metal and still used it as their plumbing as well (latin word for lead was plumbum) so really, ignorance is bliss. Now ill set my chair to "recliner mode" and doze off as my waifus drift across my screen saver. The happs, will always be the state of importance and power you allow the world to have over you.
Feb 6