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in General Factchecking by Novice (700 points)
A video posted on Twitter showed a large number of Brazilians marching through the streets, including Israeli flags.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.7k points)

This is misleading. Though It is true that millions of Brazilians marched in the streets, it was not in favor of Israel but in favor of former President Jair Bolsonaro. 

Bolsonaro, who served as Brazil’s president from 2018-2022, was defeated in the 2022 election by current President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. According to Bloomberg, Lula da Silva is favored over Bolsonaro with “41%  of Brazilians [rating] the three-month old leftist government great of good” as of 2023. Bolsonaro’s defeat left him and his supporters upset, with the former president not acknowledging his electoral loss.

This street marchers, filled with supporters of Bolsonaro, held Israeli flags along with their favored leader after Lula da Silva’s unsatisfactory comments about the Holocaust in comparison to their occupation in Gaza. 

Therefore, while there were Israeli flags being waved in the parade, they were in favor of Bolsonaro and in spite of Lula da Silva. 

Here are some more sources:





Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Genius (43.7k points)
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You provided considerable information surrounding this claim. I found that Snopes published a fact-check that said that there's no official number on the number of people who participated, so saying "millions" is a stretch at this point. The fact-checking organization also stated: Various reliable sources, such as the BBC, Reuters, and The Guardian, reported on the protest in Brazil. For instance, The Associated Press described the event as a "huge rally" organized by Bolsonaro supporters "to defend him against legal challenges that could put him in jail."

Therefore, it would seem like the claim is false, no?

by Apprentice (1.7k points)
0 0
I would say no because it says a huge rally organized by Bolsonaro’s supporters. There was a huge rally within the millions who marched the street. The number isn’t describing Bolsonaro’s rally but the march itself.

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