+3 votes
in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.9k points)
During a difficult time in their political climate amid gang violence, the Prime Minister resigns, making room for a new council.

4 Answers

+4 votes
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
This claim is true. Ariel Henry, Haitian Prime Minister, announced on March 12 that he will be resigning. Currently, powerful gangs have control of 80% of Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, demanding government control. More than 200 gangs operate out of Haiti, mostly affiliated with the gangs G-pep and G9. Haiti has faced many crises such as the 2010 earthquake, floods, hurricanes, cholera outbreaks, and many corrupt and dictatorial leaders. Gangs have control of everyday life and terrorize citizens. Many Haitians are struggling to find enough food and water to survive, and many international communities refuse to help.

Ariel Henry has been in Puerto Rico, not able to return to Haiti due to the violent armed gangs in control of the capital. The Port is closed and no one is allowed in or out of Port-au-Prince. Henry is stepping down due to this chaos. Haitians hope they will finally get a chance to determine their political future with a new prime minister in place, however, there have been rumors of gang leaders trying to take control of the transitional council.




by Apprentice (1.1k points)
This is a great fact check. I like how you used reputable sources like NPR and AP to do some extra research on your claim. I also like how you used percentages and statistics to show what is going on within Haiti. Overall, great fact check.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
This is a great fact check, with relevant sources.
by Novice (630 points)
This is a great fact-check, full of contextual information from reputable sources.
by Novice (890 points)
Great fact check. I especially liked that you used so many sources. It was important to include why and you did exactly that! Maybe next time just add one quote from the person resigning. It would strengthen the information.
+1 vote
by Novice (820 points)
This claim is true, Haiti's political climate is having a difficult time because of gang violence, and the prime minster did resign.

Currently, according to foreignpolicy.com, 80% of Haiti's capital Port-Au-Prince is occupied and being ran by gangs.

In the wake of this, as well as in the wake of the gangs forcing the prime minister to land his plane in Puerto rico, Haiti's leader Ariel Henry has stepped down in order to pave the way for a smooth transition of power.



0 votes
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is true. Ariel Henry, the Prime Minister of Haiti, said he would resign after weeks of chaos and destruction in Haiti. According to CNN, Henry said, "My government will leave immediately after the inauguration of the council. We will be a caretaker government until they name a prime minister and a new cabinet.” Henry was unelected as president after the assassination of Haiti's then-president who was democratically elected. According to NBC News, the violence is happening because Henry has failed to hold elections after continuously postponing them. Protestors have attacked airports, the Central Bank, police stations, and more. Police officers are overwhelmed and outgunned due to there being 9,000 officers for 11 million people (Independent). Two of the main prisons were raided, leading 4,000 prisoners to escape, with some remaining in prison after fear of being killed in the crossfire (NBC News). Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier, a former elite police officer who now runs a gang federation, said he is responsible for the attacks. 80% of gangs in Haiti joined forces in order to get Henry to resign.

0 votes
by Novice (830 points)

While this claim comes from Instagram, which would create suspicion amongst it's validity, the claim is very much true. A source from NPR relays that on March 12 the Prime Minister resigned due to issues with gang violence. There are several gangs which control parts of Haiti and are not backing down without having control over the government. There is also a number of other websites confirming this, including the Washington Post and NBC News.




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