The claim "is gossiping actually good for you," comes out to be a true statement. the sources that I stumbled upon both have the same Idea; were people gossiping tend to grow a closer connection to whoever they are talking to. Though it is important to understand that despite growing a sense of community, there's different factors such as how negative, positive, and helpful that can determine the healthiness of gossip. The article "The Science Behind Why People Gossip- And When It Can Be a Good Thing" written by Sophia Gottfried, brings up many studies that explain how Gossiping can actually calm the body. She references a study made by Matthew Feinberg who is an assistant professor of organizational behavior at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management; where the study consisted of telling people "Another person's anti-social behavior or an injustice," causing "their heart rates to be increased." Feinberg then proceeded to state that "when they were able to actively gossip about the person... it soothed them and brought their heartrate down." In another one of Feinberg's studies, there was a group of participants who during a game they were playing, were able to kick out people who gossiped negatively, showing that people who gossip in a negative aspect are not enjoyed being around, but rather people would rather be around a different type of gossip that's more informative. Gottfried beings up to studies conducted by Stacy Torres who is an assistant professor of sociology at the University of California, says that "there's and intimacy" to sharing your experiences and when it comes to feeling like you're on the same page as another person. Her research has found that "Gossip can stave off loneliness" and "can facilitate bonding and closeness and source as a form of entertainment."
The article "The Surprise Benefits of Gossip" written by Francine Russo, goes into a deep dive of various different studies that supports the article written by Sophia Gottfried; supporting each other's claim that people spend on average 57 minutes on gossip. Russo does stress that "gossip is a double-edged sword for each member of this equilateral Triangle." Russo Talks about how different people gossip in order to feel more comfortable and again, release themselves of burden. Russo brings up a study done by Psychologist Elena Martinescu that states how negative gossip could be beneficial by "inspiring efforts to repair problematic behavior"
Both of these articles provide good evidence when it comes to gossip; yet it ultimately boils down to be the context and how often one gossips. The two articles both seem to state that people tend to dislike those who gossip harshly about a person than when it comes to gossiping to relieve themselves of stress. Both articles also mention how people gossip to bring themselves together, not just to push each other away. Though it could be controversial to constantly boast negatively about a person, there are many different times that when used in a different context, can bring people together and also show folk who to not be around.
Source: Why Do People Gossip? Here's What Science Says | TIME
Source: The Surprising Benefits of Gossip | Scientific American