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in General Factchecking by
Experts say Gemini was not thoroughly tested, after image generator depicted variety of historical figures as people of colour.

1 Answer

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by Novice (700 points)
This claim is true and was spoken about by the president of Alphabet (the company that owns Google) Sergei Brin. Brin did say that Gemini AI's image generation was not thoroughly tested, but many other features underwent many pre-launch tests. Many news media agencies such as CNBC and the New York Times covered this failed launch story and its relaunch.
by Novice (910 points)
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I think this comment could be improved upon by linking your statement to evidence aka the other news agencies' articles that discuss the story. In addition, I feel the claim this post makes is a little misleading and not exactly what the articles is stating. Like Google didn't purposfully make Gemini's launch fail on purpose, rather they just released a product too soon and those are two different points.

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