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New analysis from the Washington Post removes any doubt that the anti-Obama Birther movement was started in 2007 and 2008 by Hillary Clinton, her |

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by Novice (940 points)

This claim is false. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump mentioned this claim. Birthers are people who believe that Obama was born in Kenya and is ineligible to be president. These claims were never brought with evidence. The real story is some of Hillary's supporters were birthers but it had no connection to Obama. Politico said, " As we reported, some of her supporters flirted with the idea in 2008 — but it has its origins in the fever swamps beginning in Illinois in 2004,” he said. 

In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004." 

There are a couple of sources that proves this to not be true. 





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