–3 votes
in General Factchecking by Novice (890 points)
by (140 points)
There is no medical evidence or any other factual statements made from the White House or on behalf of anyone in the President's staff body
by (100 points)
There has been no official evidence released to back up this claim. This rumor has been claimed by other politicians before, but became more popular when he "mishandled classified documents" as AP News states.  Biden claims that his memory is "fine" and no medical data has stated he has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

by (100 points)
Despite the accusations of Joe Biden having Alzheimer's there is no evidence to back up these claims. This might be an accusation from the right to discredit Bien for the presidency.


16 Answers

0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
This article is false given that it provides no real evidence to the claim that President Biden has Alzheimer's other than some arguments that he likes ice cream and that people with Alzheimer's are said to like ice cream. They also try to use it as a reason for why people call him "sleepy Joe." The article is clearly biased and favors the right-wing party because of the obvious attacks on President Biden.
0 votes
by (180 points)
No compelling evidence is available to verify that Joe Biden has Alzheimer's. While public speculation does exist, a continuously updated health statement from the White House lacks any mention of this probability. Rather, the document evaluates the stability of the President's neurological and physical health with promising data to refute the speculation of significant memory loss.

0 votes
by (180 points)
The article is mainly based upon quotes from people in the White House and from FOX News. It's news that is separated by lots of ads, and gives off a "he-says, she-says" type of structure. It isn't necessarily fake news as much as it is tabloid writing.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
There has no official diagnosis of dementia for Joe Biden
by Genius (42.8k points)
What is your source?
0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)

There is no evidence that Joe Biden has Alzheimers. Claims like this come from opposite political parties that want to spread rumors about President Joe Biden. In an article from LA Times, it says, “Fortunately, President Biden shows no signs of Alzheimer’s disease.” Biden pauses a lot when he talks, but his issues come from a chronic speech impediment, not Alzheimer’s. 


0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)

The fact of the matter is that there is no OFFICIAL evidence to support this claim. Yes,there has been some quite suspicion and opinions about Joe Biden's well-being following his ways of acting etc. While there can be assumptions and opinions as stated in the article it does not mean it is verfied as a official response.  According to these articles found they have no been seen these are all speculations and observations about Joe Biden's Behavior. According to NBC News they stated the following, "In Newhouse's experience, this type of forgetfulness doesn’t actually predict who ends up having memory disorders. Only a person’s doctor or neurologist can make that diagnosis, not outside observers, brain experts say." Following up on this, the way Biden reacted to ice cream does not determine that he has Alzheimer's because there is not enough evidence to support that solely based on one incident.



by Genius (42.8k points)
Nice job providing two sources. How would you rate the claim? Always select a rating for each fact-check (true, false, N/A, etc.).

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