2 Answers

0 votes
by Novice (540 points)
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Best answer

Kamala Harris went to a Planned Parenthood facility St. Paul, Minnesota on March 14th to show her support for women's reproductive rights. The article cited in this claim links to a USA Today story about her visit to the Planned Parenthood, where she expressed her disappointment in the recent governmental movement against women's reproductive rights. She did not celebrate anything, but did say that "Right now in our country we are facing a very serious health crisis, and the crisis is affecting many, many people in our country, most of whom are frankly silently suffering." She is supporting women's right to their bodily autonomy, referencing breast cancer screenings and other ailments women may need reproductive care for, not just abortions. 


Exaggerated/ Misleading
0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
Harris is in support of Women's rights/the ability for people to make their own choices. She visited Planned Parenthood during her reproductive rights tour.


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