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Tesla CEO Elon Musk is visiting the electric car maker’s first European plant as production resumes at the factory just outside Berlin, about a week after a suspected arson attack cut its power supply.

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by Journeyman (2.5k points)
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Best answer

It is true that Elon Musk's Tesla gigafactory located in Gruenheide halted production on Monday evening March 11, 2024. The far-left organization, Volcano Group, are suspected of the arson attack that caused the factory to temporarily shut down. They have accused Tesla of having "extreme exploitation conditions" and have called for "complete destruction of the gigafactory".  Other reputable news sources have corroborated AP, including Fox 59 and CNBC. It is also true that Tesla wants to expand around 250 acres of land to build a rail freight depot and storage facilities and an on-site kindergarten for employees' children. According to the Guardian, 3,499 people in the local community  voted against the plans to expand, while 1,882 voted in favor. The referendum is not legally binding and can be overturend.


German town votes against Tesla plans to expand ‘gigafactory’ | Tesla | The Guardian (Community vote stats)

Tesla in Germany: Locals vote against factory expansion plan – DW – 02/20/2024 (Tesla Expansion plans)

by Innovator (51.8k points)
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I really enjoyed reading this fact-check! Your provided extra context surrounding the claim and additional information for those who are unfamiliar with this topic. Thanks!

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