0 votes
in General Factchecking by Novice (540 points)
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce broke up?
by Novice (500 points)
There is no evidence to support this claim, and the misinformation tweet states, "'They broke up': Fans speculate on Travis Kelce-Taylor Swift's relationship after TE's solo appearance at Justin Timberlake's concert. I have multiple sources that said they are still together


by (180 points)
There is no information to support this claim. When looking at the actual message, it says "fans speculate" that the couple has broken up. After seeing this, it's apparent that there's no evidence to back this up. Some fans will overanalyze a famous person's every move and create theories based on no evidence. "Speculation" is not evidence, especially from "fans"
by (100 points)
Much is going on all over social media regarding the relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. There is not any credible information behind this saying. After looking it up and doing research multiple conversations discuss this thought but nothing from any credible sources or from either of the two of them say anything of the sort.
by (140 points)
There is no reliable evidence that supports the claim that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have broken up. Although fans have theories that the famous couple have split, as of April 15 Vanity Fair captured and wrote an article about how the couple was spotted at the 2024 Coachella festival holding hands and having their "lion king moment".
by (110 points)
There is no specific evidence (dates, times, etc) that proves Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have officially broken up. Also, the sources are fans speculating the situation, not a close source of Taylor or Travis. On April 27th they were seen "kissing affectionally" at Patrick Mahomes' Charity Gala event, so they are clearly not broken up.
by Newbie (250 points)
There is no evidence behind this claim at all. The X user meerly made this up. Just because Kelce was seen at a concert solo proves nothing and there are multiple sources that claim they are together still.


by Newbie (250 points)
There is no evidence within this article that supports its claim. This website is trying to gain viewers because Taylor swift and travoise Kelce are the main news. It uses "fan speculation" which is not a solid of enough claim that defends that they broke up. They were also just seen together at Coachella. No public announcements have been made and it is speculation.
by Newbie (200 points)
There is no evidence to support this claim.
by (140 points)
There is no factual backing to this claim being made. This post was fake dialogue that got revealed to the public without any verification. The user likely assumed Kelce and Swift had broken up because Kelce is seen alone at a concert. However, that doesn't nearly prove a break-up.

by Newbie (210 points)
Taylor and Travis Kelce are still together and this claim is false. They were spotted together as recently as April 27th at a Patrick Mahomes gala. At this gala, Taylor was seen kissing and holding hands according to People Magazine. Furthermore, many other news publications have reported Taylor and Travis recently being spotted together and engaging in romantic actions.


by (100 points)
by (140 points)
I entirely agree that there is no truth to the claim that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have broken up. Being seen no more than two days ago and with upcoming plans together to be in the public eye refutes any thoughts that the celebrity couple have split ways.
by (140 points)
Not true. There are many articles online confirming that they are still together. In fact, an article written by Bazaar recently came out two days ago stating that Taylor Swift accompanied Travis Kelce to the Mahome's Gala. She also alludes to him quite a lot in her recently released album, "Tortured Poets Department." Link down below.


29 Answers

+1 vote
by Champion (14.6k points)
selected by
Best answer

There is no available information that confirms that Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift have broken up. The claim originated from an X account, (@SportsLab18) with 3,300 followers. The post said, "They broke up": Fans speculate on Travis Kelce-Taylor Swift relationship after TE's solo appearance at Justin Timberlake's LA concert." Kelce attended the concert on March 13. However, there are no additional sources that confirm the current status of their relationship. On the March 20 episode of his New Heights podcast with his brother Jason, Kelce said "Honestly, everybody knows I'm a huge JT fan" (Today). Timberlake and Kelce have been friends for years and have even played golf together (Today).

No available information
+2 votes
by Newbie (400 points)

There is no concrete evidence to support his claim. The tweet states "'They broke up': Fans speculate on Travis Kelce-Taylor Swift relationship after TE's solo appearance at Justin Timberlake's LA concert." The tweet did not include any sources or evidence, only a link with speculation from fans who have a "feeling" the two split because they were spotted separately. When it comes to the relationship between the two, there is a lot of media attention and mixed speculation, so we can really only trust what Swift and Kelce say themselves. With this in mind, I found an article from People magazine (which I would also take with a grain of salt) that claims they are "still very happy."


by Genius (43.4k points)
How would you rate the actual claim? True, false, no information? Always select a rating for each fact-check. Thanks!
+1 vote
by Novice (540 points)
This is not true, Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are still confirmed to be together. This claim started on an X account @SportsLab18 that claimed the two were no longer together. They have been seen at Coachella weekend one. Many sources have confirmed that the two are still together.
by Genius (43.4k points)
Sources? Links?
+1 vote
by Newbie (240 points)
In today's episode of Travis Kelce's podcast "New Heights," he raved about the weekend he spent with Taylor at Coachella (which was a few days ago, and were extremely openly affectionate towards each other the entire time). Here is a link to the podcast episode: https://open.spotify.com/show/1y3SUbFMUSESC1N43tBleK
by Genius (43.4k points)
Nice work mentioning the source and providing a link. Concise and clear fact-checking work! Bravo!
+1 vote
by Newbie (200 points)
There is no evidence to support this claim and it is therefore false. Just last weekend, they were seen together being very PDA in the Coachella crowd, according to photos and articles published by DailyMail.com and People Magazine. This tweet did not have any evidence to support its claim.
by Genius (43.4k points)
Don't forget to add source links to your fact-checks going forward. Also, please select a rating (true, false, N/A, etc.). Thanks!
+1 vote
by Newbie (200 points)
After searching for a source to validate this claim, I couldn’t find anything to support it. The only related information I could find where websites disproving rumors about the couple’s split.
by Genius (43.4k points)
What sources did you use?
0 votes
by Newbie (290 points)

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have not actually broken up and this is misinformation. According to the Sun, there is speculation that they broke up because Kelce was a no-show at Taylor's performance in Australia after being a major part of her last show(https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/10499612/taylor-swift-travis-kelce-break-up/).  This is a suspicious situation but it is not the cause of a breakup between the pair. In another article by Yahoo, it states that Kelce confirmed the relationship is still ongoing in his podcast called "New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce"(https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/travis-kelce-squashed-breakup-rumors-164125096.html). This also proves the rumors are false and started based on someone's personal opinion over Kelce being absent in Sydney. Fans tend to speculate a breakup when they have no evidence of what is happening internally. A statement from Travis Kelce himself to the public is enough evidence to support the continuation of the relationship. 

0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
There is no evidence or information that proves this claim is true. There is a lot of media attention on this couple, but there are always going to be fans speculating these two major celebrities. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were just seem out at Patrick Mahomes Charity event, so as of now, they are still pictured and seen out together. This is an article explaining the event and their very recent sighting out together, where she offered up her Eras tour tickets to help raise money for Mahomes charity event. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/story/travis-kelce-taylor-swift-significant-other-patrick-mahomes-charity-auction
No available information
0 votes
by Newbie (250 points)

The most recent information on Taylors and Travis's relationship was from 4 days ago, April 27th. MSN.com has quotes from both Taylor and Travis on regards to their relationship as Taylor is heading back on tour soon. To sum up their quotes: they are going to stay together, and try and see each other while they can. They also talked about how they have seen the couple together, and although in the article they do not mention Coachella, the couple was seen there and is shown on multiple platforms. Therefore as of right now, they are currently together and are going to do long distance.


0 votes
by (180 points)

Not true. Here is an article with photos of Taylor and Travis together in public just 2 days ago.



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