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in General Factchecking by Novice (980 points)
Russia calls for invasion of Alaska
by (110 points)
This claim is misleading. The link posted is not from a reputable site so we can't refer to it when claiming that "Russia calls for invasion of Alaska." Upon my own independent research on this claim, I would say that it is misleading. You could say that Russia has it's eye on Alaska, however, they have not officially called for an invasion of the state and there is no evidence showing that they have any immediate plans whatsoever on invading. The magazine "The Hill," which is very reputable has stated themselves that there seems to be no immediate response from Russia or official claim that they plan to invade and take over Alaska. I would say that overall, this claim is misleading.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
selected by
Best answer
This claim is somewhat misleading. Upon researching the claim, I noticed that there were not very many websites covering this topic, which led me to believe that it is not particularly credible, as Russia's intention to invade Alaska would surely garner mass media attention. There are, however, real events and speech that the claim stems from. According to The Hill, Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president and prime minister, Russia has been "waiting for it to be returned any day. Now war is unavoidable," referencing Alaska and its former identity as a part of Russia in the 19th century. While Medvedev is deputy head of the Security Council and part of "the Kremlin's inner circle," he has a well documented reputation for going "off the deep end." He has made various outlandish claims in the past, including slanderous language referencing the Ukrainian president and the French as a people. Furthermore, Fox News detailed how the United States government "brushed off" these outlandish claims. While Fox News is known to be a particularly politically biased right wing news outlet, this coverage might be lended more credibility, as it does not cover intra-American politics. In conclusion, the claim is based on real claims made by a member of the Russian government, but based on the source's lack of credibility, as well as the lack of coverage from prominent news outlets, I would say that this claim is misleading.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
Hello! This is a great fact-check. I like how you included a summary of the backstory and quotes from credible people in your answer. I also appreciate how you explained how the claim is misleading but also explained the evidence that is associated with the claim. Great job!

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