2 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (760 points)
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Best answer
The source of this claim is a TikTok video. After doing research, I found that this claim is unsupported by any legitimate source. According to Rose Hanbury herself, a relationship between the two is nonexistent. This claim is false, and should be categorized as misinformation.


by Novice (710 points)
I think you did a good job. There is no more primary source than the person in question themselves, and the fact that no legitimate source backs this claim means it's very likely to be false.
+1 vote
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is false. It was originated after Middleton's months-long public disappearance prior to her announcement of her cancer diagnosis on Mar. 22. Lady Rose Hanbury, who is married with three children, told BusinessInsider that the "rumors are completely false. 


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Factcheck This: Birds don't exist

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