It's funny to me that you would assume Disney did not already own Epstein Island. The Epstein family's historical connection to Walt Disney is clear as day, and something Disney himself took pride in.
If we were to break down the etymological, numerical value of "Mickey", we will find that:
M-13, I-9, C-3, K-11, E-5, Y-25.
Notice anything?
All of the numbers but Y are underage. Y="Why", as in "Why" "would I have sex with a 25 year old?" Sounds pretty fishy, right?
Disney also takes pride in his bestiality, which can be found in his original animation of Mickey riding a steam boat and "whistling". This "whistling" features Mickey closing his eyes, and bobbing his head back and forth with an open mouth, almost as if fellating, or, in layman's terms "giving a blowjob".
Now, I think we can all admit that we felt butterflies when watching this animation. I myself experienced my first erection upon viewing Mickey's delicate technique. I can only imagine the feeling of his soft and wet mouth upon my desperate member. And I think we can all relate. We have all had the fantasy of Mickeys steamboat "whistle". In fact, I first ejaculated when watching the video, and given that it was featured in the beginning of almost every Disney movie, Im sure most young men would say the same. In fact, I would estimate around 98% of men experienced this.
It's clear to me that this was Disney’s intention. Disney probably got pleasure knowing that young men like me were getting so excited at the sight of his animation. It's sickening. He is a sick, dark twisted man.