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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Disney bought Jeffrey Epstein's island to build a theme park.
by Newbie (300 points)
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This satirical article is a prime example of why you should not just look at a headline that jumps out at you and assume it to be true! Even a glance at the website will tell you that this is false.
by (100 points)
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The claim of “The Walt Disney Company officially buys Epstein Island”, after further research seems to be false. A article by Rueters states that although the claim has no supporting evidence, social media such as instagram or Tik Tok programs are taking the claim to a stronger extent. No official claims from The Walt Disney Company have been made to oficcically support this claim. Another aspect to dispute this claim involve the history of Epsteins islands. Researching back, a CNBC article recorded in 2023, that Epstiens islands were bought by Billionaire Stephen Deckoff, stating plans not towards a Disnet theme park but a resort space (Mengan, 2023). Therefore, this claim based off further research and information, it was understood that is it incorrect. Walt Disney did not buy the Epstien islands in plan for future disney parks. Lastly, this example of a non accurate claim circulating social media, highlights the importance of verifying spread information with trusted sources rather then trusting the popular vote.
Sources: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/03/jeffrey-epstein-private-islands-bought-by-billionaire.html
by (100 points)
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This is not true. According to https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/article-about-disney-buying-epstein-island-is-satire-2024-04-22/, this article that claimed Disney purchased Epstein's island is "Satire", declared by the Reuters fact check team.
by (100 points)
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I like how you mention social media and how everything can be taken out of context, also how you state that a lot of people joke around on social media and it can lead to people not knowing what's real or fake. I agree, social media is a powerful tool, however it is also used to spread falso information, whether that be on purpose or accident. A lot of people cannot tell the difference between jokes or not on social media because there is no emotion or unlying tone through a screen.
by Novice (540 points)
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It's funny to me that you would assume Disney did not already own Epstein Island. The Epstein family's historical connection to Walt Disney is clear as day, and something Disney himself took pride in.

If we were to break down the etymological, numerical value of "Mickey", we will find that:

M-13, I-9, C-3, K-11, E-5, Y-25.

Notice anything?

All of the numbers but Y are underage. Y="Why", as in "Why" "would I have sex with a 25 year old?" Sounds pretty fishy, right?

Disney also takes pride in his bestiality, which can be found in his original animation of Mickey riding a steam boat and "whistling". This "whistling" features Mickey closing his eyes, and bobbing his head back and forth with an open mouth, almost as if fellating, or, in layman's terms "giving a blowjob".

Now, I think we can all admit that we felt butterflies when watching this animation. I myself experienced my first erection upon viewing Mickey's delicate technique. I can only imagine the feeling of his soft and wet mouth upon my desperate member. And I think we can all relate. We have all had the fantasy of Mickeys steamboat "whistle". In fact, I first ejaculated when watching the video, and given that it was featured in the beginning of almost every Disney movie, Im sure most young men would say the same. In fact, I would estimate around 98% of men experienced this.

It's clear to me that this was Disney’s intention. Disney probably got pleasure knowing that young men like me were getting so excited at the sight of his animation. It's sickening. He is a sick, dark twisted man.

63 Answers

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by Novice (550 points)
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Best answer

This isn't true! If you go to the "about" section on the website that published the article, it states that this website is "satire" and "parody".
by Novice (880 points)
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Thank you for the quick and straightforward response! I was able to quickly identify this section of the website and now I know that anything to come from this website will be false or dramatized.
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by Newbie (210 points)
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by Newbie (210 points)
I found this article:


This is likely misinformation!
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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I agree that it is misinformation, however, the usage of likely isn't as reliable and it is a very common article with such little explanation. Seeing the same article over and over again yet no commentary isn't much of a helpful factcheck. A little bit of an explanation would sound less repetitive. Great article nonetheless and it is in fact misinformation!
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by Newbie (200 points)
I searched for this headline on a Google search platform to see if other news outlets have made articles about this. The other source I used to confirm this was from USA Today Fact Check. So this claim of Jeffrey Epstein island being bought by Disney to build an amusement park is false.
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by Newbie (250 points)

This article is false. When quoting people they did not give who said what quotes and within the article they would make jokes regarding calling it "Kidcot." This is misinformation because they don't have any evidence behind why dicey bought, how much, and why they bought it.


- this article debunks the satire being spread.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by (140 points)
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I agree that this information is misleading. I appreciate how you did not only give an article to back your statement, but you also included a summary of why the information is false. It assures me you actually read the article and agree with it. I agree that this information is misleading!
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by Newbie (200 points)

This article from USA Today fact checked whether Disney bought Jeffery Epstein's island or not. As a result it is deemed false.
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by Newbie (240 points)
This article is simply just untrue and a desperate attempt for clicks. Linked below is an article written by USA Today about this exact article and shows that the information told is false. There is no record of Disney purchasing this plot of land as well with there being no proof the plot of land was sold at all.

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by Newbie (240 points)
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by Novice (540 points)

The source you provided is a known, and self-proclaimed, satire and parody site. On their about page, it says, "We write fake stories about Disney Parks stuff," and "you can be assured that anything you read here is not true, real, or accurate." Since this is the original source of the claim, with no other sources corroborating it, we can conclude that the claim is false.


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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.