+2 votes
in General Factchecking by Newbie (310 points)

The Eugene Police Department (EPD) tells us that they arrested Daylen Amir Austin, 19, at 11:45 p.m. on April 15th, and has initially been charged with Felony Hit and Run.

by (140 points)
This is true, the story was covered by many news outlets. Additionally, the facts coincide across all coverage.

by (180 points)
by (100 points)
Daylen Austin was in fact arrested on Monday in connection to a hit and run according to an article I found by ESPN. The Eugene Police Department is still releasing information about the case but from what I gathered Austin is arrested and while it is not clear if he was the one driving, he has a big connection within the case that ended up with a 46-year old man fatally hit by a vehicle.  https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/39962615/oregon-db-daylen-austin-arrested-fatal-hit-run
by (140 points)
by Newbie (240 points)
This claim is true. There was serval articles I found that talks about Daylen Austins felony charge. According to an ESPN and ABC News article, Austin may serve 5 years in prison for the hit- and-run that happened Monday night, April 15th around 9 p.m.
Here are some articles I found:

17 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (540 points)
selected by
Best answer
I am marking this news headline as true. Recently, a multitude of big name sources published stories about the events discussed above. I have attached some below:




According to ESPN, 247 Sports, and Sports Illustrated, Austin is still being held in Lane County Jail as of this morning. However, there have been no results discussing what his final charges will be.
+2 votes
by Novice (520 points)

The crash occurred at approximately 9:10 p.m. at W. 4th Avenue and Polk Street. This is an ongoing investigation, EPD tells us they are still gathering information to be submitted to the Lane County District Attorney’s Office for a final charging decision. There will be more information soon. 

+1 vote
by Novice (540 points)

I consulted multiple other websites and articles, all of which have published the same information. They all cite a Lane County Police Department statement, which is a verifiable source.
+1 vote
by Newbie (200 points)
This is true and more information regarding this incident can be seen in this article

+1 vote
by Newbie (240 points)
This article is true. Based on multiple sources including, The Daily Herald, ESPN, Oregon Live, and many others, Daylen Austin was arrested after a fatal hit-and-run. With a topic like Oregon football, there is a lot of attention focused on the players. I was able to find the information to confirm the truthfulness of this story relatively quickly.

Rating: Not Misinformation
+1 vote
by Newbie (250 points)
+1 vote
by Novice (500 points)
edited by

This claim is true. 

There are multiple news stations around Eugene are currently reporting on the story. The Eugene PD has also stated that the crash occured on April 15th, 2024, and the arrest of Daylen Amir Austin. 




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