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in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Kensington Palace's official X account announced Harry and Meghan's use of a surrogate for their 2019 pregnancy.

3 Answers

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by Novice (800 points)
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Best answer
This is false, this rumor started from an X post that shows a screenshot of what is believed to be Kensington Palace's official X account. The screenshot is fake; there is no evidence of any post saying the Duke and Duchess used a surrogate. The initial post on X has been fact-checked by X's verified fact checkers, saying there is no evidence of the post shown in the screenshot. Below is a link to Kensington Palace's official X account and a website about the Duke and Duchess.


0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
. This rumor has been circulating the internet for a couple of years, but it is incorrect. Yahoo fact check did a section in this specific rumor and found that this claim was wrong. The tweet that began this rumor is not the first to be posted since the couple had children. The royal family has not put out any statement about Megan and Harry's child being born through a surrogate. If they did have something about their family to put out it would also be expected that the couple would put out a release about it before the royal family.

0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
The claim of Harry and Meghans use of a surrogate is false. The post was on X, a social media platform that was off of an individuals account and not the Kensington Palace account. The individual screenshotted the Kensington Palace post of the claim. The original post had no evidence of the family announcing this information. Also, the Kensington Palace account is fake as the actual account is tilted differently. There actual account is named "The Prince and Princess of Whales". Lastly there is no articles that back up there claim. An article from the Chicago Tribune acknowledges that the rumors were produce by Megan sister.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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