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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Sean "Diddy" Combs was an FBI informant.

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by Novice (540 points)
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This is likely misinformation.  Since this video was posted on TikTok, there is no official evidence for this claim.  In this fox news article, https://www.foxnews.com/us/sean-diddy-combs-cant-settle-feds-sex-trafficking-probe-former-fbi-agent, the FBI agent claims ""You can pay off folks in civil lawsuits to make them go away," said Nicole Parker, a former FBI agent. "But that doesn’t work in a sound criminal investigation – especially on a federal level when it comes to sex trafficking allegations."  Diddy was always on the run from the feds, not with them.

by Newbie (330 points)
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I like that you took the extra step to go and check whether this was real or not, not just using a Tik Tok video as your evidence. Do you think that Fox News is a reliable source? I also wonder if the FBI agent was telling the truth, considering it was on Fox News a big media outlet.

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