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in General Factchecking by (170 points)
There is a big argument that weightlifting will make you shorter over time. However, bad posture and muscle imbalances while doing workouts such as squatting, is the reason for appearing shorter.
by (100 points)
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This is a false claim.
Weight-lifting does not make a person shorter. Although if done incorrectly, a person's posture could maybe be affected, this is unlikely and not the same. Weight lifting is actually supposed to help improve posture, if done correctly.

An article posted on Linkedin helps clarify the matter, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-weight-training-actually-stop-height-growth-tanush-soni/.
This article, written by Tanush Soni, who declares themselves a motivator, states that there is no scientific reason to support the claim that weight training can negatively affect height.
Soni cites an article from Healthline, which says that weight lifting is a myth. It also says the claim started in reference more to children than adults.
Instead, weight lifting as numerous benefits, including improved posture, increasing strength, and increasing bone strength index.
by (180 points)
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This is false. Weightlifting does NOT make you shorter. The author cites information that is not reliable, and they even say that the idea is referring to children, not adults. However, according to BetterHealth.gov, they say weightlifting can have effects on your body, that is making your bone health better and improving overall physical fitness. It no way stunts your growth, especially for children.

LINK: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/resistance-training-health-benefits
by Newbie (270 points)
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There's nothing supported by scientific evidence that proves weightlifting makes you shorter. Our growth plates are softer throughout our years of childhood but during our teenage years, these growth plates harden. When weightlifting with proper form, you cannot exert enough pressure on the growth plates.
by Newbie (440 points)
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The misconception in this post is centered around being versus appearing shorter. The article claims that weightlifting can not lead to a person becoming taller or shorter, but that certain habits associated with weightlifting can make them appear shorter. Some examples of this were squatting or poor posture while exercising. However, an article published by University of Hawaii Hospitals says "Strength training does not stunt growth….however, maximal lifting (highest weight amount you can lift one to three times) may put you at more risk for injury to the growing areas of a child’s body. Therefore, max lifting should be discouraged until after puberty." This statement cautions that  weightlifting underage could lead to injury, therefore putting the body at risk for underdevelopment.
by (100 points)
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Weightlifting does not make you shorter. Contrary to a common myth, engaging in weightlifting, when done correctly and under proper supervision, does not stunt growth in children or adults. In fact, weightlifting can have numerous positive effects on the body, including improving bone health and overall physical fitness, according to BetterHealth.gov. It is important to note that weightlifting, when done safely and appropriately, does not inhibit growth, especially in children.

by Novice (800 points)
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This statement is incorrect because engaging in weightlifting does not result in a decrease in height. The author relies on unreliable information, specifically information on children and not adults. According to Healthline, Scientific evidence and research confirm that well-structured and supervised resistance training programs offer various benefits for children. These include enhanced strength and bone strength index, reduced risk of fractures and sports-related injuries, as well as fostering self-esteem and a greater enthusiasm for fitness.
by Newbie (220 points)
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This assertion is untrue.
A person who lifts weights does not get shorter. While it is unusual and not the same, a person's posture may be impacted if done incorrectly. If done properly, lifting weights is really meant to aid with posture.

This Linkedin article (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/does-weight-training-actually-stop-height-growth-tanush-soni/) sheds some light on the subject.
Tanush Soni, a self-described motivator, claims in this article that there is no scientific evidence to back up the idea that lifting weights can have a negative impact on height.
Soni refers to a Healthline article that claims weightlifting is untrue. It adds that youngsters were the target of the claim at first rather than adults.
Rather, lifting weights has many advantages, such as better posture, increased strength, and an increased bone strength index.

27 Answers

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by Newbie (250 points)
This claim is false, however does point out that weightlifting can alter someone's proportions, making them appear shorter. The article linked does not claim that weightlifting makes you shorter and points out this misconception.

Nike released this article about it, correcting this misconception aswell.

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by Newbie (240 points)

According to a nutrition website, an article in response to this claim states that this myth is a common misconception. However, the only case in which weightlifting could possibly hinder growth is if lifting is done improperly as immature bones are still growing (as seen in younger people). Therefore, after your growth plates have permanently developed, lifting does not have any direct effect on your height. If carried out properly, the article continues to offer examples of how beneficial weightlifting is for people. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (230 points)

There is no scientific evidence to the fact that weightlifting makes you shorter. https://www.nike.com/a/can-weight-lifting-stunt-growth#

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by Newbie (240 points)

No, there is no scientific evidence that weight training stunts growth. In fact, strength training can help young athletes build strength and coordination, and some young female athletes lift weights to help prevent injuries. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that strength training is safe for children ages 8 and up, and can help with physical health, mental health, bone health, and body composition.




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by (140 points)
False, weight lifting does not make you shorter or stunt any growth in adults or growing children. In fact, it's the way people are uneducated that causes injuries, muscle tears and serious long-term effects. Studies from University Hospitals state that most of the injuries happen because children pick it up too early, hence, leading to injury in the growing regions of said children. They advise waiting until the child hits puberty and has learned the proper form. The same goes for adults. If you're going to lift you must learn proper form and start light before going for maximum output. If not, you'll get injured and that is what leads to long-term injuries that may cause people to feel "shorter."

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by (140 points)
This claim is not an accurate statement. The theory of weightlifting making people shorter is mainly highlighted towards children, even though the article displays a picture of an adult man lifting weights. Now, this type of working out can impact one's posture either for worse or better depending on their form while performing the lift. However, this does not play a factor into whether or not a person's body gets taller or shorter. Muscle growth is a definite aspect of constant weightlifting, but this gain doesn't increase or lessen overall height.

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by Newbie (240 points)
This claim is FALSE. It is believed to be true primary for youth who participate in weightlifting, although there is no sufficient evidence to support this claim. One reason as to why people believe this is because this is something that can result from poor form , but this is not the result of correctly performing the act of weightlifting.


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