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in General Factchecking by

Muscle and fat are distinct tissues with different structures and functions, incapable of transforming into each other. Physical inactivity and poor diet can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass. While this shift in body composition might create the illusion of muscle converting to fat, it simply reflects the body storing more fat and losing muscle due to a sedentary lifestyle and high-fat diet.

5 Answers

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by Novice (540 points)
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Best answer
This is correct. Muscle and fat are two completely different elements in the human body. Amounts of fat and tone of muscle may fluctuate based on diet and physical activity, leading to a changed appearance, but muscle tissue cannot physically change into fat.



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by Apprentice (1.2k points)

This claim is true. 

Muscle and fat cells are different types of cells. Muscle cells can shrink, but they cannot become fat cells. Fat cells can grow or increase in number, but they do not become muscle cells. The article you linked is trustworthy and accurate. 

"Fat cells and muscle cells are not interchangeable." - https://www.piedmont.org/living-real-change/does-muscle-turn-to-fat-when-you-skip-workouts#:~:text=Can%20muscle%20turn%20into%20fat,structures%20and%20are%20not%20interchangeable. 

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by Newbie (240 points)

I found an article with a headline of, “Does muscle turn into fat?”, and the first line says asks the reader if this is a familiar question. The line bolds the words muscle, no, fat, yes. It misleads the reader into thinking when you stop working out your muscles immediately begin to turn into fat. This is then debunked further into the article using science and data to talk about what really causes your body to change (body composition, diet, lifestyle). 


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by Newbie (200 points)

This is true. Many people confuse fat and muscle although they are completely different materials completely. The notion that muscle can turn into fat is simple because many times it can exist in the same places. Does Muscle Turn to Fat When You Skip Workouts? | Piedmont Healthcare

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by (180 points)

This claim stands true. This is true because muscle and fat are made up of different types of tissues and are structured for different functions, which means they cannot directly convert into one another. "It is impossible for fat to directly turn into muscle since fat lacks the nitrogen and no mechanism exists in the body to reconstruct fat into amino acids." - https://examine.com/faq/will-lifting-weights-convert-my-fat-into-muscle/#

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