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in General Factchecking by
Rudy Giuliani promised a bankruptcy court that he would limit his spending, but it didn’t take long before he broke that pledge, and by a lot. In the article when talking about his spending it only added up to be around 19 thousand dollars. Articles love to lie about numbers as high numbers tend to get more clicks.

3 Answers

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by Novice (500 points)
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Best answer

Based of a comment made by The Guardian, "Giuliani prepared a strict budget and told a federal bankruptcy court in January that he would spend no more than $43,000 a month." There are also mentions from sources like the Vanity that also cite the same statement made by Giuliani. 

The Guardian

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by Newbie (480 points)
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by (140 points)

This claim is true. The Newsweek article below also states that Giuliani is spending more than he was allowed to by the courts. Though Giuliani's lawyers claim that the allegation of spending is part of a larger smear campaign, it does seem as though the information is true, based on The NY Times article linked above as well as the Newsweek one.



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