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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
All Starbucks cups hold the same amount of liquid
by Newbie (200 points)
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As you showed us proof that Starbucks cups hold all the same amount, I am still skeptical about the statement because they all have different ounces. For hot drinks, Starbucks carries 12,16, and 20 oz. cups. And for cold drinks, they carry 12,16, 24, and 32 oz. As it looks like the statement is true, I think people often use "click bait" tools in order to seem right. I go to Starbucks all the time and I can tell that there are clearly different sizes. As for hot drinks, there is nothing else in the cup other than the liquid, so this cannot be true. However, with iced drinks, this could be true due to the amount of ice the barista puts in the cup. i have seen videos where a venti drink carries the same amount of liquid in a grande because they put so much ice in the cup. There is no sources to help you defend your claim other than this observation, but I can tell you that starbucks definitely carries multiple different sizes.

2 Answers

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by (140 points)

The claim that all Starbucks cups hold the same amount of liquid is an incorrect statement. People on apps such as TikTok use a tactic called "Click Bait" to gain more views. These videos bring them revenue, so they must use something shocking. Each size has an allotted volume: Tall 12 oz, Grande 16 oz, Venti 20 oz hot and 24 oz cold, and Trenta which is 30 oz. 

Source: Fact or Fiction: All Starbucks cups hold the same amount of liquid? (10news.com) and personal experience 

by Newbie (200 points)
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I agree, people just want the views so they will post anything to convince you otherwise. I definitely think they are using some kind of prop to fill the cup up.
On politifact.com, they tested out this theory by filling a tall cup to the brim with water, then poured it into the grande, which in fact did not reach the brim, then again into the venti cup which also didn't get filled to the brim. I can't say the same with cold drinks with ice because it could sometimes get more ice than what it's supposed to, but in theory, they are not supposed to hold the same liquid.

source: www.politifact.com
and from personal experience.
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by (140 points)

From the video, we cannot determine if there is anything occupying volume in the other cups. It is clear that this video was deliberately made to mislead the viewers.

At Starbucks, the drink sizes are generally divided into four categories: Short (8 fl. oz./236 ml), Tall (12 fl. oz./355 ml), Grande (16 fl. oz./473 ml), and Venti (20 fl. oz./591 ml), corresponding to the Italian words "short," "tall," "grande," and "venti." It is worth noting that the Short size is typically available for hot drinks, while cold drinks (including Frappuccinos) do not have a Short size option.

For cold drinks, such as Frappuccinos, the Tall size is 12 ounces, the Grande size is 16 ounces, and the Venti size is 20 ounces. For hot drinks, regardless of the size — Short, Tall, or Grande — the volumes are 8, 12, or 16 ounces, respectively, with the Venti size also being 20 ounces.

Starbucks Cup Sizes (Explained): Grande, Venti, etc. | Trusted Since 1922 (rd.com)

Confused By Starbucks Drink Sizes (And Cup Sizes)? We Explain | Drink Scouts

by Newbie (200 points)
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Due to the many different sizes at Starbucks, it is untrue that they can be filled with the same amount. I looked up the question, "Does Starbucks use the same amount of ice in every size drink?". I found this website called Food Republic. While the header was, "How to stop overpaying for ice at Starbucks," the article mentions that, "It's handy to know that at Starbucks, each drink size has its own ice scoop size as well. So, for example, a venti iced matcha tea latte gets made with a larger scoop. A grande order gets made with a medium scoop of ice, etc."
There is another quote from the article that is helpful for the claim of the video because it is clear that there are different ice scoopers for different sizes. "Simply go into the add-ins section, then choose light ice from the dropdown menu. This will not affect the price, but you will get more for what you're already paying." This means you can get more of the drink you ordered instead of them over filling it with ice. I can see why some people could think there isn't different sizes of cups at Starbucks if it is filled with mostly ice, but in this case you can prevent it by asking for, "light ice".

Read More: https://www.foodrepublic.com/1470601/how-to-stop-overpaying-ice-starbucks-drinks/

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