+1 vote
in Climate Change by
The siting of the temperature station where this "record" was recorded needs to be known.  If it's in an urban area or at the airport it cannot be deemed reliable.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by (140 points)

I found this article to be true. I did a Google search about this weather event and found multiple articles backing up the statement of a record-high temperature of +50.9 degrees in Aswan. "The Egyptian Meteorological Authority said that the earth’s surface air temperature set a new record, to be 17.03C, which is the highest ever." This was published on the Edgypt Dependent website. I also found weather graphics and articles from recognized journalist that backed up this statement. I think the part that might be misleading on the Reddit page is the discourse about climate change. But the claim of the highest recorded temperature seems to be true. 

ago by (100 points)
This answer does not address the siting of the temperature station where this "record" was recorded.

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