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in Climate Change by Innovator (51.8k points)
Phoenix will be inhabitable within 10 years due to extreme heat.
ago by Newbie (270 points)
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Phoenix will be inhabitable within 10 years due to extreme heat.  

While extreme heat is a growing problem due to global warming the claim that Phoenix will become uninhabitable within 10 years is an exaggerated claim. According to National Climate Assessment Phoenix will face increasing temperatures due to climate change and heat waves leading to illness. However, phoenix is one of the fastest growing cities and efforts have been made to maintain this problem with urban planning. Even though extreme heat is a serious issue declaring a city uninhabitable in such a short time is not supported by real scientific evidence.

Source: U.S. Global Change Research Program. Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2018.

4 Answers

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by Master (5.5k points)
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Best answer

Can't be true or false. We cannot predict the future, but Salon, Vice and climatecheck.com have all examined the extreme heat, drought, flood, and fire risks in Phoenix. Climatecheck.com stated that Maricopa county, home to Phoenix, is one of six counties in Arizona at risk of becoming uninhabitable to humans in the next 20 to 40 years. 

Salon and Vice also reported on the possibility that Phoenix may become inhabitable within the next 20 to 50 years. 




Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
ago by Newbie (270 points)
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you provided good information on the issue and its great you used sources and evidence and it is true that weather can't always be predicted 100% correctly.But you need to clarify these sources and make sure there credible.
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by Novice (520 points)

While the effects of climate change will make Phoenix harder to live in throughout the next few decades, it is misleading to say that it will be "uninhabitable" in 10 years. According to climatecheck.com, Maricopa county, home to Phoenix, is one of six counties in Arizona at risk of becoming uninhabitable to humans in the next 20 to 40 years.  While this data is still concerning and clearly demonstrates the dangers of rising temperatures due to climate change, the statement that Phoenix will be uninhabitable in 10 years is exaggerated.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
ago by Newbie (310 points)
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I like how you added a quote from the the source you looked at, along with also showing how the issue is concerning and can in fact be true within the next few decades. I also like how you connect back to the original claim in your final sentence.
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ago by Newbie (310 points)
Due to climate change the whole planet is getting warmer and warmer every year. I do not think this claim is completely out of the question because you never know what may happen. According to some sources I looked at Phoenix has more than 10 years to live, one source says by the year 2100 over half the days in the year will be to hot to be outside. Which would also lead to major droughts causing the area to potentially be un-liveable by around 2100.

Sources: https://climateanalytics.org/press-releases/extreme-heat-in-phoenix-could-make-outdoor-work-impossible-for-nearly-half-the-year-new-data
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

While Phoenix will face significant challenges due to increasing temperatures, the claim that it will be uninhabitable within 10 years is not supported by current evidence. The city is taking steps to adapt and mitigate the effects of extreme heat, which should help maintain its habitability in the near future. Also, in an article written by Forbes, stated, "The City of Phoenix is investing $60 million as part of plans to tackle extreme heat, which threatens public health and widens socio-economic disparities amongst residents. These plans include planting 27,000 trees and building 550 shade structures over the next five years," Indicating that the city is actively working to remain habitable despite rising temperatures.

Phoenix, Arizona Climate Change Risks and Hazards: Heat, Flood / ClimateCheck

How Phoenix Is Taking Action To Protect Residents From Extreme Heat

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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