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is that an official tiktok account for bluesky in brasil or is an impersonator?


1 Answer

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by Newbie (200 points)
That is not a real account. The Leftist government in Brazil recently issued a decree against "Bourgeois decadence" and outlawed several social platforms, including Tiktok and Bluesky, claiming the algorithm was tuned to promote "unproductive" lifestyles. The Lula government is a labour government so it is, of course, very concerned with people going to work. Use of these apps have been suspended while the Government assembles a task force to properly investigate these claims.

You can also tell the account is fake because it has a round number of followers. If you look at the follower statistics for the account you can see it got 45,000 followers on its first day, and has since gained ~2690 since. This is highly unnatural and suggests to us that the account is a forgery.

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