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in General Factchecking by (160 points)
by (120 points)
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Trump did not threaten to prosecute in regards to Google pushing "bad stories" as that is not a punishable offense. In the article provided the threat trump makes to Google is for "interference of elections". He claims "this is illegal activity" Restating this claim into the true reasoning for his intended prosecution will strengthen the accuracy of this statement. This can be fact checked through posts made directly by the president himself onto his social media platforms, specifically twitter. This is evidence of a primary source statement.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (240 points)
Why have you chosen the New York Post as your source? They are a historically conservative news outlet that has heavily favored the former President over the last 8 years and have been misleading and handed out misinformation at times. Can you find another news source that has backed up Trump's claims that Google has favored the Democratic nominee over him?
by (160 points)
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I agree with you that the New York Post is extremely biased and tends to lean right. However, I was not posting this with the intention of backing the claim, more-so to challenge it and see what other users would find on the subject. I personally believe the former President's claim is completely false, but I found it interesting to post this because it is such a biased claim. The claim that I was trying to factcheck was if Trump actually said he would try and sue Google, and from my research I have found that multiple news sources have covered this (NY Times, The Guardian, CNBC, etc.) His claim however, is completely false. Google confirmed that "Both campaign websites consistently appear at the top of Search for relevant and common search queries." So, in short, you are right! His claim and this article do provide seeming misinformation in favor of Trump's re-election.

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