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in General Factchecking by (160 points)
Latest Census Bureau Service Annual Survey shows decline in revenue for Newspaper, Magazine and Video Tape/Disc Rental Industries.
by Newbie (250 points)
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I completely agree, and I believe what the article is claiming is true. With the rise of social media throughout the past decade, there is a lack of necessity for newspapers because the news so much more accessible through phones and apps. I also believe the entertainment aspect of looking at news video clips on TikTok, or seeing cooler looking infographics on instagram is what attracts larger audiences. Attention spans are decreasing, and people are more likely to obtain their news in a quick and entertaining way, rather than reading a paper.

by (180 points)
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I agree with the claim stated in this article, and I find it to be true. I think young adults especially are veering away from physical news outlets such as newspapers and magazines due to the fact that social media and the internet have become more and more accessible throughout the past two decades. With the technological advances in smartphones, users have the ability to access the latest news with the click of a button. They no longer have to wait days or weeks for the latest issue to come out, but instead can know exactly what is going on in the world in a matter of seconds. I believe this to be a huge reason why individuals are using digital media rather than print publishing, the speed of technology has caused users to become more impatient, which has led to an urge of instant gratification.
by (190 points)
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While newspapers are still coming out and are read by people all around the world, your claim that newspaper are losing popularity from the rise of social media/internet is something I completely agree with. Not only have varies social media platforms taken over the world and lives of many people, but the fact that social media is interactive and colorful definitely catches the eyes of more people, making it more looked at and more popular than black and white newspapers.
by (180 points)
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From personal experience, this claim is very valid. As a young adult, I find myself getting close to all of my regular news from social media, whether by following a particular figure on Instagram, seeing news about recent hurricanes on Facebook, or researching news sites like CNN and NBC. The young world has organically left newspapers in the past as the news on the internet and social media is more readily available but also immediate and interactive.
by (100 points)
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Immediately, I can already say that I agree with the articles claim. The internet has given everyone access to information that was not was not readily available decades ago. Referencing the article, it states, “Total estimated weekday circulation of U.S. daily newspapers was 55.8 million in 2000 and dropped to 24.2 million by 2020, according to Editor & Publisher and the Pew Research Center”. This is very important as 2020 was during COVID which limited people to the usage of both the internet and social media as news outlets.

12 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

According to the Census Bureau, author Adam Grudy wrote, "total estimated weekday circulation of U.S. daily newspapers was 55.8 million in 2000 and dropped to 24.2 million by 2020." This proves that in the last two decades, newspaper viewership has declined by around 50%.

In another article by the Harvard Political Review, the anonymous author stated, "Print readership is steadily declining, newspapers are closing, and journalists with decades of experience are being laid off." In this article, the author goes on to talk about how newspapers are combatting this decline, as well as speaking about how the major names in the industry are laying off hundreds of reporters. 

Therefore, this claim is true, with evidence from both the Census Bureau and Harvard Political Review showing us that the newspaper industry is declining and social media is on the rise.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that newspapers are losing popularity due to social media is true. The article is very credible since it is an official government website and United States Census Bureau. The article states that newspapers have dropped from 55.8 million in 2000 to 24.2 million by 2020. This dropout is likely due to people primarily getting their news from social media and other online platforms instead of newspapers. In conclusion, the claim newspapers are losing popularity due to social media is true and will likely continue to lose popularity.



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