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in General Factchecking by (160 points)
Latest Census Bureau Service Annual Survey shows decline in revenue for Newspaper, Magazine and Video Tape/Disc Rental Industries.
ago by (120 points)
edited ago by
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I completely agree, and I believe what the article is claiming is true. With the rise of social media throughout the past decade, there is a lack of necessity for newspapers because the news so much more accessible through phones and apps. I also believe the entertainment aspect of looking at news video clips on TikTok, or seeing cooler looking infographics on instagram is what attracts larger audiences. Attention spans are decreasing, and people are more likely to obtain their news in a quick and entertaining way, rather than reading a paper.

ago by (140 points)
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I agree with the claim stated in this article, and I find it to be true. I think young adults especially are veering away from physical news outlets such as newspapers and magazines due to the fact that social media and the internet have become more and more accessible throughout the past two decades. With the technological advances in smartphones, users have the ability to access the latest news with the click of a button. They no longer have to wait days or weeks for the latest issue to come out, but instead can know exactly what is going on in the world in a matter of seconds. I believe this to be a huge reason why individuals are using digital media rather than print publishing, the speed of technology has caused users to become more impatient, which has led to an urge of instant gratification.
ago by (120 points)
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While newspapers are still coming out and are read by people all around the world, your claim that newspaper are losing popularity from the rise of social media/internet is something I completely agree with. Not only have varies social media platforms taken over the world and lives of many people, but the fact that social media is interactive and colorful definitely catches the eyes of more people, making it more looked at and more popular than black and white newspapers.
ago by (140 points)
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From personal experience, this claim is very valid. As a young adult, I find myself getting close to all of my regular news from social media, whether by following a particular figure on Instagram, seeing news about recent hurricanes on Facebook, or researching news sites like CNN and NBC. The young world has organically left newspapers in the past as the news on the internet and social media is more readily available but also immediate and interactive.
ago by (100 points)
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Immediately, I can already say that I agree with the articles claim. The internet has given everyone access to information that was not was not readily available decades ago. Referencing the article, it states, “Total estimated weekday circulation of U.S. daily newspapers was 55.8 million in 2000 and dropped to 24.2 million by 2020, according to Editor & Publisher and the Pew Research Center”. This is very important as 2020 was during COVID which limited people to the usage of both the internet and social media as news outlets.

6 Answers

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by (180 points)

I agree, social media makes it easier to look at anything modern day. Not only this but there’s also a decline in factual news as well. Many of these news sources say things their listeners want to hear. I say this because this can be easily spread through social media/online.


by (180 points)
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Hello, I would have liked to see you explain the information from your link and also include information about where the article cited their info from.
ago by (140 points)
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The article that you have linked doesn’t seem to talk about the decline of factual news alongside the decline of newspaper popularity. If it were true it would really add more context to the headline, but I can't seem to find anything to back the information. Was there another website that talks about the decline that you could add to the post?
ago by (140 points)
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You make interesting points that are very relevant to today's news world, especially as a teen. Do you have any specific/concrete quotes or data that you could share from any of the articles you read that could make your answer stronger?
ago by (140 points)
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I agree with you, and I like the article you linked with your claim. However, I don't think that the article is directly tied with your claim because it doesn't necessarily support the idea that news sources only share what they will know will bring in attention. Also, more information on where the article's facts came from and whether they are credible.
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by (160 points)

It would appear that yes the newspaper is becoming something of a relic in terms of daily use and usefulness. Pew Research has found that in the U.S. 58% of adults get their news from a mobile device and that is followed by television at 32%  while print publications have now reached a low of just 4%. Because of this, we've seen countries' newspaper publications drop from 8,891 in 2005 to just 6,377 in May of 2022 (Associated Press). People are no longer buying newspapers thus the popularity and revenues generated by them have been on the decline.

News Platform Fact Sheet, 2024 | Pew Research Center

US newspapers continuing to die at rate of 2 each week | AP News

by (120 points)
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I would agree that news papers are definitely becoming a tool of the past however im curious as to the accuracies of your claim when it states "countries" I think the data sounds accurate for people living in the United States but access to social media and technology is more limited across other countries especially third world countries who likely rely on physical news papers more than the next. Do you have any data that supports this claim in specifically the US?
by (160 points)
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Thank you for including actual numbers and data in your answer! I think theres a valuable importance of seeing numbers in a claim since it provides the backbone that no one can argue with. While I do know a good amount of older folks who still read the newspaper, I can believe these numbers as social media has become my source of news lately.
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ago by (180 points)
Pew Research Center states that Audiences are declining for traditional news media in the U.S. The claim in the title matches what the content and data in the article page discusses. The article collects their own data as well as collecting information from other sources stated in the article such as Editor & Publisher and News Media Alliance. The news was published fairly recently, on November 28, 2023. Each image or graph that is posted is linked to a reliable source. There are other news sites posting similar information about this topic such as AP News and The New York Times. Within the article, the information is pretty balanced and I don't see much bias.
ago by (140 points)
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Hi Aurora, this was a good start to the question. I was wondering which article you used from Pew Research Center with this response to the question and why did you choose them as a source. Also, why didn't you use cencus.gov article called Internet crushes traditional media: From print to digtal. This is a really good article and source because it's written by the government so its very accurate.
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ago by (140 points)

This article is totally agreeable, as the new media focuses on technology and how it can effectively and quickly gets information across to users. As well as it targets a younger audience, who to start with never used newspapers in general. Shown in this Forbes article about how newspapers have been having to cut down since the pandemic and how it increasily gets worse to keep business, "While the declines have been ongoing for a number of years, the pandemic and ensuing sluggish economy impacted a number of core newspaper advertisers such as retail, movies and promoting community events. These categories cut back on their marketing budgets, accelerating declines in ad revenue." Supporting the claim of how technology is taking over society, and sending any business without into a downfall. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)


This statement is considered true by this source above and many more as well. However, the medium newspaper isn't losing value just to social media even though that is one of the main ones...other mediums such as televisions and radios are also larger factors in the behind the scenes. A lot of people still aren't super comfortable with the media such as older folk and they tend to turn more towards watching TV or listening in because of failing eyesight.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

After looking into these articles the claim holds very strong as the rise of internet related news media like social media or the internet has really gained a lot of attention from a good chunk of the public. There are some things mentioned like some traditional media have struggled like newspapers, when reading some of the articles some traditional media like cable tv is still holding up pretty well even in the rise of internet and even radio it is heavily utilized in old generations. There is a lot of truth to the claim but overall there are a few examples of traditional media still doing well just not covering well in the news. 




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