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in General Factchecking by Newbie (420 points)

Joker 2: Folie à Deux bombs the box office with $37.8M opening. It is the first comic book film to receive a D CinemaScore.

1 Answer

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by Newbie (490 points)
They did not cite their source for the D rating, but I found the CinemaScore website where it has Joker 2 listed under D. The website https://www.cinemascore.com/ is used by multiple trusted sources they say, and I did confirm that NYT has spoken on them as well(https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/movies/ed-mintz-dead.html). When it comes to it being the first comic book movie to receive a failing grade multiple articles quote this and they lead back to a Variety article(https://variety.com/2024/film/news/joker-2-earns-d-cinemascore-1236169039/). The author, Michaela Zee, graduated from The New School in New York and has worked for Variety for almost a year. She wrote that the "The previous record holder was 2015’s “Fantastic Four,” which received a “C-” CinemaScore"(Zee, 2024).
by Novice (880 points)
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I appreciate that you recognized that there was no source on the claim's article, but were still able to find the CinemaScore website and confirm the movie's rating.
After visiting the website, however, I wonder how Zee was able to determine that Joker 2 was in fact the first movie to have received a failing grade, as the website only allows you to search for movies, and does not have an option to see the movies in rating order, or by genre. There have been a lot of movies, so it'd be interesting to spend the time to search every comic book movie created to see the individual scores.
Nevertheless, I would believe this claim solely based on the individual reviews I've heard from people who have watched the movie.

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