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ago in General Factchecking by (120 points)
I chose to fact check the claim, “It is beneficial for kids to watch TV as long as parents watch with them”. Before diving into the main source claim gained their information from, I noticed that right off the bat, the person who wrote this claim backed it up by saying “there’s a mounting body of evidence…”. I noticed as I kept reading that the “mounting body of evidence” they claimed there to be, was only summed up in only a few bullet points. These bullet points didn’t contain any facts. That seemed suspicious to me so I decided to go to this persons main source of information, the article, “The Benefits of Watching TV With Young Children” written by Juliann Carey on the Child Mind Institute. I searched up some of the benefits that were in the claim and while these benefits showed up in this article, none of them were backed up and seemed to only be observations or opinions. To double check this, I searched up some of these benefits and claims and still found no evidence that these were facts. So, to conclude, while it may be beneficial for parents to be alongside their child while watching TV, I wasn’t able to find any evidence that this claim is completely true.
ago by (120 points)
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There are two sides to it where as parents can watch it with them for just quality time or the kids want to just watch and like not care who's watching with them or whats going on. As a kid for me I would just want to watch my show and nobody bother me.
ago by (120 points)
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The source you listed at the bottom is a government website and the authors are all doctors. Each claim is followed by a link to a different study or experiment that provides evidence. Definitely a good source and I think it's safe to say that watching television can be beneficial to children if a parent is watching with them.

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