2 Answers

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by Novice (650 points)
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Best answer
The article from CNN states claims made by the North Korean government that South Korea flew drones over the North Korean capitol of Pyong Yang. Further, North Korean state media threatened "retaliation" against the South Korean state according to the CNN article. With this in mind, CNN stated that it couldn't "independently confirm the presence of drones in North Korean airspace."

Looking at other sources:

Reuters reports that Kim Jong Un's sister, Kim Yo Jong, put out on KNCA (State Media) that an investigation is still ongoing into the "drone intrusion."

Another report from AP News revealed the images from Korean State media showing the downed drones in question; however, the AP notes that the photos are undated and it is unknown when the photos were taken. Based on provided photos of South Korean reconnaissance drones, the images provided by North Korea seem to match- suggesting that the drones were from South Korea though, again, it is unknown when these photos were taken or where.

Given that North Korean state media is known to spread propagandistic content and spread lies and false information, trusting the validity of these images given the context of them flying over North Korea is a stretch. Further, since CNN hasn't been able to corroborate the claims made by North Korea, the story can only be considered an allegation at this time rather than a concrete example of political and military espionage between the two Korean States.




by Genius (47.3k points)
0 0
Nice work on your fact-check. I like that you included sources not listed in the claim and included relevant information from reputable sources.
by (140 points)
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This answer is really strong and makes really good points about how North Korea is good at spreading lies and false information to others around the world.
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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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North Korea has claimed that South Korea is flying drones over their capital, Pyongyang. According to AP News Media,

"North Korea accused South Korea of flying drones over the night skies of Pyongyang three different times this month to drop anti-North Korean propaganda leaflets. It threatened to respond with force if such flights occur again."

But, South Korea has neither confirmed or denied the allegations, with the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff saying the claims were "unilateral" and "unworthy of responding", according to AP News Media.

CNN states that they "cannot independently confirm the presence of drones in North Korean airspace", so the claims that the drones are from South Korea is false, because it is unknown whether they actually are from South Korea.



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