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by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that Hurricane Milton didn't hit Northwestern Florida as bad as Hurricane Ian seems to be true. When Hurricane Milton was a category 3 storm with wind speeds of 120mph as reported by CNN and CNB News News. Hurricane Ian was reported to be on the high end of a category 4 storm with wind speeds of 155 mph, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The NHC Tropical Cyclone Report reported Hurricane Ian causing $112 Billion in property damage with approximately 156 deaths, 66 of them in Florida. They also report storm surges of 10 to 15 feet. Hurricane Milton caused around $34 Billion in property damage approximately 24 deaths according to a local newspaper. However there are differing numbers on different sites. The Weather Channel reported the highest storm surge in Florida to be 5-6 feet.

In terms of power and damage done I would say that the claim that Hurricane Ian hit Florida worse than Hurricane Milton is true


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