The claim that "video games, if used in moderation, can provide health benefits" can be argued to be true. A peer reviewed 2022 study from the journal Australasian psychiatry: bulletin of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists titled "Exploring the possible mental health and wellbeing benefits of video games for adult players: A cross-sectional study" consisted of a survey of 2107 adults, 88.4% of which experienced psychological or emotional benefits from gaming. However, the study notes that "More data are required to understand how and for whom these benefits occur." They find that "RPGs were perceived to be the most beneficial genre" and state that their research "may influence the design of therapeutic games to promote wellbeing and treat aspects of mental distress"
Overall, it is clearly true that playing video games is capable of providing wellbing benefits for some people, how reliably video games produce benefits is more difficult to determine and requires further research.