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in General Factchecking by
The Trump organization opened up a golf resort in south Florida to linemen looking for a place to stay in preparation for hurricane Milton. I do think this is true, however I saw people claiming online that this was a direct action of Donald Trump, but it seems like this was actually just a move by his organization and not something he was directly involved in.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Best answer
The Hill article that is cited in this claim uses a direct quote from a post on 'X'  from Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump as the source for this information. Other news outlets like Newsweek have also cited this same post on 'X' in support of the claim that the Trump family/organization housed lineman for Florida Power and Light at their Doral Miami resort. The first report that they provided housing for lineman came directly from Eric Trump himself when he posted on 'X' welcoming the linemen to their resort.


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