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in General Factchecking by Novice (780 points)
Veteran Cable Morse has devises a system of storing firearms belonging to others until they have need of them, claiming that this does a lot of work toward preventing gun-related suicides. He brings up how many of these suicides are veterans and how he lost many friends to gun-related suicided. By reducing the ease at which people have access to lethal weapons, he reduces the chances that they will take their own lives.
by Newbie (440 points)
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I completely agree! I think that being able to store these firearms somewhere else, would prevent many suicides. Not only can the worker at the storage places see if you are in a good mental state. But the journey to get the firearms can help calm down the body.
by Novice (620 points)
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I do agree with the fact that proper gun storage is the best way to prevent gun related suicides. I would also go one step further in saying that it could reduce gun related accidents. On the website below, it states, "Safely storing firearms can reduce gun injuries and deaths, and is supported by researchers, healthcare professionals, and gun owners alike. Research has demonstrated a decreased risk for suicide among adolescents when guns are stored safely"

https://publichealth.jhu.edu/center-for-gun-violence-solutions/solutions/safe-and-secure-gun storage

2 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.8k points)
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Best answer
This isn't a factually true claim. In the article provided by cbs news it says that gun storage could help in prevention to gun related suicides. It doesn't straight out say that gun storage is the best prevention, its an article that mainly is interviewing a vertex that talks about his life experience in gun related suicides. The article goes on to suggest that by creating better storage on guns could help lower gun related suicides.
by Newbie (210 points)
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hello, your factchecking brings a good point in the question if gun storage is the best way to prevent gun-related suicides. You bring up the fact that the source states that it highly reduces the possibility of gun-related suicide but doesn't not outright prevent it or came it is the "best prevention method".
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Strong fact-checks include source links to support your stance. Please include them next time!
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by Newbie (380 points)
In this article the argument is made that one of the best techiniques in preventing suicide from firearms in the US is gun storage. Through finding additional resources who have the same story/claim, original statistics from a US government census on gun safety and an in-person interview, it is evident that this claim is true. I thought this article was super informative on different communities of veterans and their moves towards enforcing suicide preventing legislative. I thought this article does a great job of being an example for the relationship between institution and public. While the idea of the article is developed form an opinion, it is backed up from fact and then informative to the general public.
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Strong fact-checks include source links to support your stance. Please include them next time!

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