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in General Factchecking by (160 points)
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A woman recently died at a Disney Park, due to anaphylactic shock, after consuming food from one of the restaurants. The husband now wants to sue Disney because they had checked with staff many times to make sure the food was safe, but Disney is now saying that because of a clause in their Terms of Agreement that he signed, the lawsuit must be sent to arbitration instead.

3 Answers

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by Novice (520 points)
This is a true claim Disney has made it possible within their contracts when signing up for Disney plus or other Disney services that agreeing to the terms means you are not able to take any type of legal action against the company.
by (100 points)
0 0
Do you have a a reliable source other than nbc where you found this information?
by (190 points)
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Going into more detail on this topic, the Disney Plus contract, as explained by a Harvard Law School article, states that any matters such as this cannot be taken to trial and must be settled outside of court through arbitration. https://hls.harvard.edu/today/does-signing-up-for-disney-mean-you-can-never-sue-the-walt-disney-company/
It is also important to note that this situation has developed and the Disney company has waived its right to arbitration, and the matter will be taken to a jury trial.
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ago by Novice (600 points)

Disney cannot stop users from suing them if they have signed up for a Disney account, they have attempted to use the argument that they can in court due to a clause in Disney+ memberships. This does not mean you cannot sue them, they were sued, and this case may be allowed to proceed, or may be dismissed.

"Piccolo's lawyers filed a response early this month, slamming Disney's reasoning for seeking a dismissal as "preposterous."" 

This case may not be dismissed.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Saying that Disney can "stop users from suing them" because if this is an objectively untrue and false. Disney's legal team is just attempting to stop one person from suing them due to this contract clause. Whether or not they can stop people suing them is dependant on if Disney gets the case dismissed because of this clause. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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