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in General Factchecking by Newbie (230 points)
Pets give constant companionship which can lower stress and feelings of isolation. They allow social interaction and improve emotional well being.
by (150 points)
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I feel like the source mental health foundation seems credible. I don't know if saying the word "constant companionship" is accurate. the article also talks about different skills associated with having a pet, rather than just saying companionship and well being.

4 Answers

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by Newbie (440 points)
selected ago by
Best answer
This is true because positive human and animal interactions are related to changes in physiological variables in humans and animals. According to the reputable research website HABRI.org, interactions between humans and animals have been shown to influence levels of blood pressure and heart rate. These interactions can also influence hormones associated with well being. These findings come from direct research with sources showing where the data came from.
by (160 points)
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This is a great fact check! It's great you used direct scientific research and evidence from a reputable source.
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by Newbie (230 points)
Your post highlights some important benefits of having pets, particularly their impact on reducing stress and loneliness. I agree that pets provide constant companionship, which can be incredibly helpful for emotional well-being. I would add that studies also show how interacting with pets can release oxytocin, a hormone linked to happiness and relaxation, further supporting mental health. Have you come across any specific examples or studies that reinforce these points? It would be interesting to explore how different types of pets contribute to emotional well-being in unique ways.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This statement is true. Pets have equally positive effects on humans' mental health. According to a study done by the American Psychiatric Association, "Among pet owners, a strong majority (86%) said their pets have a mostly positive impact on their mental health. Dog owners (87%) and cat owners (86%) were equally likely to say so, while other pet owners (62%) were less likely." In most households, pets are considered family members and help reduce the chance of a mental health issue. This is also why emotional support animals are an option for people who struggle with mental health. Many people have special bonds with their animals and 69% of people say their pets help reduce stress and anxiety. So overall the claim up top is a true statement and there are many resources to support it.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that pet owners experience feelings of reduced anxiety and improved mental health is supported through credible reserach and and expert sources. According to Mental Health Foundation, pets can be greatly beneficial for our mental health in many ways, including increasing physical activity, reducing anxiety, alleviating stress, and contributing to an overall mental well being by provding companionship and reducing feelings of lonliness. This is significant because the postive interaction between pets and their owners can create a sense of security, the feeling of being wanted and always feeling unconditionally loved. This claim is further supported by findings from News In Health, revealing that human-animal interactions has been to shown to decrease levels of cortisol and lower blood pressure. Adittionally, HBARI.org states that "postive interactions with pets  trigger the release of oxytocin, endorphins, and prolactin in humans while stress hormones go down." These conclusions are drawn from well documented studies, reinforcing the idea that owning pets can have many benefical impacts, promoting mental health. 




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